Michael B. Holte, Cuong Tran, Mohan M. Trivedi and Thomas B Moeslund
”Human 3D Pose Estimation and Activity Recognition from Multi-View Videos: Comparative Explorations of Recent Developments“
Accepted for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
Michael B. Holte, Bhaskar Chakraborty, Jordi Gonzalez and Thomas B. Moeslund
”A Local 3D Motion Descriptor for Multi-View Human Action Recognition from 4D Spatio-Temporal Interest Points”
Accepted for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
Bhaskar Chakraborty, Michael Holte, Thomas B Moeslund, and Jordi Gonzalez
”Selective Spatio-Temporal Interest Points”
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116(3), pp 396–410, 2012
Jordi Gonzalez, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Liang Wang
”Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics (editorial)”
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(3), pp 305–306, 2012
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Extracting a Good Quality Frontal Face Image from a Low-Resolution Video Sequence”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 21(10). pp 1353 – 1362, 2011
M.B. Holte, C. Tran, M.M Trivedi and T.B. Moeslund
“Human Activity Recognition using Multiple Views: A Comparative Perspective on Recent Developments”.
International ACM Workshop on Multimedia access to 3D Human Objects, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Nov 28 – Dec 1 2011
B. Chakraborty, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, J. Gonzalez
“A Selective Spatio-Temporal interest point Detector for Human Action Recognition in Complex Scenes”.
International Conference on Computer Vision, Barcelona, Spain, 6-13 November, 2011
Moeslund, Th.B.; Hilton, A.; Kruger, V.; Sigal, L. (Eds.).
“Visual Analysis of Humans – Looking at people”.
Springer, ISBN: 978-0-85729-996-3, October 31, 2011
T.B. Moeslund
“Is there Anybody Out There?”
Visual Analysis of Humans – Looking at people
Moeslund, Th.B.; Hilton, A.; Kruger, V.; Sigal, L. (Eds.)
Springer, ISBN: 978-0-85729-996-3, October 31, 2011
T.B. Moeslund
“Looking at People”
Public Service Review. European Science & Technology 11, pp 146-147, 2011
Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund and Mohammad Rahmati
“Summarization of Surveillance Video Sequences Using Face Quality Assessment“
International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol 11, nr. 2, pp. 207-233, 2011.
Michael B. Holte, Thomas B. Moeslund, Nikos Nikolaidis and Ioannis Pitas
“3D Human Action Recognition for Multi-View Camera Systems“
The First Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference. Hangzhou, China, May, 2011
M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund and P. Fihl
“View-Invariant Gesture Recognition using 3D Optical Flow and Harmonic Motion Context”
Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114, 12, p. 1353-1361. 2010
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Hallucination of Super-Resolved Face Images”
IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), China. 2010
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Finding and Improving the Key-Frames of Long Video Sequences for Face Recognition”
IEEE 4th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), USA. 2010
M.D. Filippo and D. Cazzato
“Capturing Facial Images of People Using a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera”
Master Thesis. Aalborg University, Denmark. August 2010
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Hybrid Super Resolution using Refined Face Logs”
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Paris, France. 2010 (Best Paper Award)
M. Andersen and T.B. Moeslund
“EVILibAAU – Controlling SONY EVI Cameras”
Technical Report CVMT-10-01 ISSN 1601-3646, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2010
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Face Log Generation for Super Resolution using Local Maxima in the Quality Curve”
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Angers, France, May 2010
T.B. Moeslund
“Big Brother gør sit indtog”
Aktuel Naturvidenskab, no 6, December, 2009
C.B. Madsen, T.B. Moeslund, A. Pal, and S. Balasubramanian
“Shadow detection in dynamic scenes using dense stereo information and an outdoor illumination model”
Workshop on Dynamic 3D Imaging. LNCS 5742. Jena, Germany, September 2009
Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
“Real Time Face Quality Assessment for Face Log Generation”
International Conference on Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Analysis (MVIPPA), Bangkok, 2009
I. Huerta Casado, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, J. Gonzàlez
“Detection and Removal of Chromatic Moving Shadows in Surveillance Scenarios”
International Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
“Complete Face Logs for Video Sequences Using Quality Face Measures”
IET Int. Journal of Signal Processing, 2009 ; vol. 3, nr. 4, Special Issue on Biometric Recognition, 2009
P. Fihl and T.B. Moeslund
“Invariant Gait Continuum Based on the Duty-Factor”.
Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing. vol 3, nr. 4, 2009
Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
“Face Image Quality and its Improvement in a Face Detection System”
The 16’th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,DSAGM, Denmark, 2008
Kamal Nasrollahi, Mohammad Rahmati, Thomas B. Moeslund
“A Neural Network Based Cascaded Classifier for Face Detection in Color Images with Complex Background”
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2008), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 2008
Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
“Face Quality Assessment System in Video Sequences”
Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BIOID 2008), Roskilde, Denmark, May 2008
Administrative: Gitte Sørensen
Technical: Thomas B. Moeslund