Books (17)
Journal papers (119)
Book Chapters (19)
Papers published in peer-reviewed proceedings (307)
None peer-reviewed papers (33)
Technical reports (24)
Student reports (3)
17. Title: “Statistical Machine Learning for Human Behaviour Analysis“
Editors: Thomas Moeslund, Sergio Escalera, Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Kamal Nasrollahi, and Jun Wan
Year: 2020
ISBN 978-3-03936-228-8
16. Title: “Introduction to Medical Image Analysis“
Authors: Rasmus R. Paulsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2020
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-3-030-39363-2
Publisher: Springer
15. Title: “Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition“
Editors: Bai, X., Fang, Y., Jia, Y., Kan, M., Shan, S., Shen, C., Wang, J., Xia, G.-S., Yan, S., Zhang, Z., Nasrollahi, K., Hua, G., Moeslund, Th.B., Ji, Q. (Eds.)
Year: 2019
Type: Third International Workshop, FFER 2018, and Second International Workshop, DLPR 2018, Beijing, China, August 20, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
ISBN: 978-3-030-12177-8
Publisher: LNCS Springer Verlag
14. Title: “Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience Measurement”
Authors: Nasrollahi, K., Distante, C., Hua, G., Cavallaro, A., Moeslund, Th.B., Battiato, S., Ji, Q. (Eds.)
Year: 2017
Type: LNCS 10165. Third International Workshop, VAAM 2016, and Second International Workshop, FFER 2016, Cancun, Mexico, December 4, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
ISBN: 978-3-319-56687-0
Publisher: Springer Verlag
13. Title: “Distributed Computing and Monitoring Technologies for Older Patients”
Authors: Klonovs, J., Haque, M. A., Krüger, V., Nasrollahi, K., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Moeslund, T. B. & Spaich, E. G.
Year: 2015
Type: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science
ISBN: 978-3-319-27024-1
Publisher: Springer Verlag
12. Title: “Face and Facial Expression Recognition from Real World Videos”
Editors: Q. Ji, T.B. Moeslund, G. Hua, K. Nasrollahi
Year: 2015
Type: LNCS. Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics
ISBN: 978-3-319-13737-7
Publisher: Springer Verlag
11. Title: “Computer Vision in Sports”
Editors: Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham Thomas and Adrian Hilton
Year: 2014
Type: Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
ISBN: 978-3-319-09395-6
Publisher: Springer
10. Title: “Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing. Second International Workshop, AMMDS 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24, 2014, Revised Selected Papers”
Editors: Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Paolo Spagnolo and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Type: Revised Selected Papers from a Conference Proceeding (LNCS 8703)
ISBN: 978-3-319-13323-2
Publisher: Springer
9. Title: “Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. 7th International Conference, AMDO 2012, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012. Proceedings”
Editors: Francisco J. Perales , Robert B. Fisher and Thomas B. Moeslund Year: 2012
Type: Conference Proceedings (LNCS 7378)
ISBN: 978-3-642-31566-4
Publisher: Springer
8. Title: “Introduction to Video and Image Processing. Subtitle: Building Real Systems and Applications”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-1-4471-2502-0
Publisher: Springer
7. Title: “Visual Analysis of Humans – Looking at people”
Editors: Moeslund, Th.B.; Hilton, A.; Kruger, V.; Sigal, L. (Eds.)
Year: 2011
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-0-85729-996-3
Publisher: Springer
Purchase: Springer
6. Title: “Introduction to Medical Image Analysis”
Author: Rasmus R. Paulsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2011
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-87-643-0785-6
Publisher: DTU Informatics, Technical university of Denmark
5. Title: “Human Motion Capture uning Computer Vision – A pruning-based Approach”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2010
Type: Research book
ISBN: 978-3-8383-6700-2
Publisher: LAP. Lampert Academic Publishing.
Purchase: Here
4. Title: “Klippeklatring i Viborg” (Rockclimbing in Viborg)
Author: Thomas Moeslund, Niels From and Hans Linde
Year: 2010
Type: Guidebook (none adademic, but still good 🙂
ISBN: 978-87-993860-0-0
Purchase: Here
3. Title: “Image and Video Processing, 2nd edition”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2009
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-87-992732-1-8
Purchase: Here
2. Title: “Image and Video Processing”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2008
Type: Textbook
ISBN: 978-87-992732-0-1
1. Title: “Computer Vision-Based Motion Capture of Body Language”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2003
Type: Ph.D. thesis
Down load: PDF-file
Journal papers:
119: Computational implementations of Responsible AI: From the Right to be Forgotten to Machine Unlearning
Authors: Helene Friis Ratner, Thomas Moeslund
Where: AI & Society (accepted)
118: The perceptions of potential prerequisites for artificial intelligence in Danish general practice: A qualitative vignette study among general practitioners
Authors: Natasha Lee Jørgensen, Camilla Hoffmann Merrild, Martin Bach Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kristian Kidholm, Janus Laust Thomsen
Where: JMIR Medical Informatics (accepted)
117: Advantage and limitations of using cameras on small, lowcost ROVs for seabed monitoring
Authors: Amanda Frederikke Irlind, Alex Jørgensen, Jonathan Eichild Schmidt, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Karen Ankersen Sønnichsen, Niels Madsen
Where: The Journal of Ocean Technology 19(4), 2024
116: Remote Tongue-based Control of a Wheelchair Mounted Assistive Robotic Manipulator and the Effect of Adaptive Semi-automation
Authors: AA Palsdottir, RL Kaseler, SH Bengtson, TB Moeslund, LNSA Struijk
Where: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (accepted)
115: What can Camera Concepts Sense for You – that Conventional Sampling Methods do not?
Authors: Niels Madsen et al
Where: The Journal of Ocean Technology, Vol 19(3), 2024
114: Harborfront Anomaly Detection
Authors: JV Dueholm, MSN Siemon, RT Ionescu, TB Moeslund, K Nasrollahi
Where: Neural Processing Letters (accepted)
113: SIDU-TXT: An XAI Algorithm for NLP with a Holistic Assessment Approach
Authors: Mohammad N.S. Jahromia, Satya M. Muddamsetty, Asta Sofie Stage Jarlner, Anna Murphy
Høgenhaug, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Natural Language Processing Journal, Vol 7, 2024
112: Self-Supervised Masked Convolutional Transformer Block for Anomaly Detection
Authors: Neelu Madan, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Kamal Nasrollahi, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mubarak Shah
Where: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Vol 46(1), 2024
111: SoccerNet 2023 Challenges Results
Authors: Anthony Cioppa, et al.
Where: Sports Engineering (accepted)
110: Explainable AI and Law: An Evidential Survey
Authors: Karen McGregor Richmond, Satya M. Muddamsetty, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Henrik Palmer Olsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Digital Society vol 3(1), 2024
109: Who Cares about the Weather? Inferring Weather Conditions for Weather-Aware Object Detection in Thermal Images
Authors: Anders Skaarup Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Applied Sciences 13(18), 2023
108: What is Proactive Human-Robot Interaction? – A review of a progressive field and its definitions
Authors: Marike Koch van den Broek and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction Vol 13(4), 2024
107: Finding Nemo’s Giant Cousin: Keypoint Matching for Robust Re-Identification of Giant Sunfish
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Marianne Nyegaard, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vil 11(5), 2023
106: Measuring the Interior of In-Use Sewage Pipes using 3D vision
Authors: Chris H. Bahnsen, Anders Clement, Hans C. Ø. Larsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Automation in Construction, Vol 151, 2023
105: Video Transformers: A Survey
Authors: Javier Selva Castelló, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B Moeslund, Albert Clapés
Where: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 45(11), 2023
104: SSMTL++: Revisiting Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning for Video Anomaly Detection
Authors: Antonio Barbalau, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jacob Dueholm, Bharathkumar Ramachandra, Kamal Nasrollahi, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mubarak Shah
Where: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol 229, 2023
103: Machine learning in general practice: scoping review of administrative task support and automation
Authors: Natasha Lee Sørensen, Brian Bemman, Martin Bach Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund & Janus Laust Thomsen
Where: BMC Primary Care 24(14), 2023
102: MSHViT: Multi-Scale Hybrid Vision Transformer and Sinkhorn Tokenizer for Sewer Defect Classification
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Meysam Madadi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Automation in Construction, Vol 144, 2022
101: User based development and test of the EXOTIC exoskeleton: Empowering individuals with tetraplegia using a compact, versatile, 5-DoF upper limb exoskeleton controlled through in-telligent semi-automated shared tongue control
Authors: Mikkel Berg Thøgersen, Mostafa Mohammadi, Muhammad Ahsan Gull, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard, Bo Bentsen, Benjamin Yamin Ali Khan, Kåre Eg Severinsen, Shaoping Bai, Thomas Bak, Thomas B. Moeslund, Anne Marie Kanstrup and Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk
Where: Sensors 22(18), 2022
100: Data driven drift detection in real process tanks: Bridging the gap between academia and practice
Authors: Bolette D. Hansen, Thomas Borch Hansen, Thomas B. Moeslund, David G. Jensen
Where: Water 14(6), 2022
99: Computer Vision-based Adaptive Semi-Autonomous Control of an Upper Limb Exoskeleton for Individuals with Tetraplegia
Authors: Stefan Hein Bengtson, Mikkel Berg Thøgersen, Mostafa Mohammadi, Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard, Muhammad Ahsan Gull, Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk, Thomas Bak, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Applied Sciences 12(9), 2022
98: Anomaly Detection for Agricultural Vehicles by using Autoencoders
Authors: Esma Mujkic, Mark P. Philipsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Martin P. Christiansen, Ole Ravn
Where: Sensors 22(10), 2022
97: Visual Explanation of Black-Box Model: Similarity Difference and Uniqueness (SIDU) Method
Authors: Satya M. Muddamsettya, Mohammad N.S. Jahromia, Andreea E. Ciontos, Laura M. Fenoy, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Pattern Recognition vol 127, 2022
96: The Challenge of Data Annotation in Deep Learning – A Case Study on Whole Plant Corn Silage
Authors: Christoffer Bøgelund Rasmussen, Kristian Kirk, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 22(4), 2022
95: Autoencoders for Semi-supervised Water Level Modelling in Sewer Pipes with Sparse Labeled Data
Authors: Ferran Plana Rius, Mark P. Philipsen, Josep Maria Mirats Tur, Thomas B. Moeslund, Cecilio Angulo Bahón, Marc Casas
Where: Water 14(3), 2022
94: Navigation-Oriented Scene Understanding for Robotic Autonomy: Learning to Segment Driveability in Egocentric Images
Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Letizia Marchegiani, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rikke Gade
Where: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7(2), 2022
93: Clothing Insulation Rate and Metabolic Rate Estimation for Individual Thermal Comfort Assessment in Real Life
Authors: Jinsong Liu, Isak Worre Foged, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 22(2), 2022
92: Real-World Super-Resolution of Face-Images from Surveillance Cameras
Authors: Andreas Aakerberg, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IET Image Processing 16(2), 2022
91: Interpretation of convolutional neural networks for acid sulfate soil classification
Authors: Amelie Marie Beucher, Christoffer B. Rasmussen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mogens H. Greve
Where: Frontiers in Environmental Science, section Environmental Informatics and Remote Sensing, Jan 2022
90: Imitating Emergencies: Generating Thermal Surveillance Fall Data Using Low-cost Mannequins
Authors: Ivan Nikolov, Jinsong Liu, Thomas Moeslund
Where: Sensors 22(3), 2022
89: Population Preferences for Performance and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: A Choice Based Conjoint Survey
Authors: Thomas Ploug, Anna Sundby, Thomas B Moeslund, Søren Holm
Where: Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(12), 2021
88: Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition
Authors: Dorota Kamińska, Kadir Aktas, Davit Rizhinashvili, Danila Kuklyanov, Abdallah Hussein Sham, Sergio Escalera, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund and Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: Electronics 10(22), 2021
87: Effective Fusion of Deep Multitasking Representations for Robust Visual Tracking
Authors: Seyed Mojtaba Marvasti-Zadeh, Hossein Ghanei-Yakhdan, Shohreh Kasaei, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: The Visual Computer, Oct 2021
86: No Machine Learning without Data: Critical Factors to Consider when Collecting Video Data in Marine Environments
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Niels Madsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Journal of Ocean Technology, 16(3), 2021
85: Anchor Tuning in Faster R-CNN for Measuring Corn Silage Physical Characteristics
Authors: Christoffer Bøgelund Rasmussen, Kristian Kirk and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Vol. 188, 2021
84: A 4-DOF Upper Limb Exoskeleton for Physical Assistance: Design, Modeling, Control and Performance Evaluation
Authors: Muhammad Ahsan Gull, Mikkel Thøgersen, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Mostafa Mohammadi, Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk, Thomas B. Moeslund, Thomas Bak, and Shaoping Bai
Where: Applies Sciences 11(13), 2021
83: Defect or Design? Leveraging the Angle of Opportunity for detecting Scratches on Brushed Aluminium Surfaces
Authors: A.J. Hansen, T.B. Moeslund and H. Knoche
Where: IEEE Access 9, 2121
82: Fishing with C-TUCs (Cheap Tiny Underwater Cameras) in a Sea of Possibilities
Authors: Niels Madsen, Malte Pedersen, Kurt Thomas Jensen, Peter Rask Moller, Rasmus Ern, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Journal of Ocean Technology, 16(2), 2021
81: Title: Computer Vision for 3D Perception and Applications (Editorial)
Authors: Matteo Poggi and T.B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 21(12), 2021
80: Title: Deep Transfer Learning in Human-Robot Interaction for Cognitive and Physical Rehabilitation Purposes
Authors: C.M.A. Ilyas, M. Rehm, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Pattern Analysis and Applications, Jun 2021
79: Title: 3D sensors for sewer inspection: a quantitative review and analysis
Authors: Chris H. Bahnsen, Anders S. Johansen, Mark P. Philipsen, Jesper W. Henriksen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 21(7), 2021
78: Title: Comprehensive Feature Analysis for Sewer Deterioration Modeling
Authors: Bolette Dybkjær Hansen, Søren Højmark Rasmussen, Mads Uggerby, Thomas B. Moeslund, David Getreuer Jensen
Where: Water 13(6), 2021
77: Title: Automatic Estimation of Clothing Insulation Rate and Metabolic Rate for Dynamic Thermal Comfort Assessment
Authors: Jinsong Liu, I.W. Foged, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Pattern Analysis and Applications Feb 2021
76: Title: Representative dense feature learning for memory- and time-efficient single image super-resolution
Authors: Imanpour, N., Naghsh-Nilchi, A. R., Monadjemi, A., Karshenas, H., Nasrollahi, K. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: IET Signal Processing 15(2), 2021
75: Title: Deep Visual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Classification Tasks: A Survey
Authors: Madadi, Y., Nasrollahi, K., Seydi, V., Hossieni, R. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: IET Image Processing 14(14), 2021
74: Title: Water Level Estimation in Sewer Pipes using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Joakim Haurum, Chris Bahnsen, Malte Pedersen, Thomas Moeslund
Where: Water, 12(12), 2020
73: Title: Statistical Machine Learning for Human Behaviour Analysis (Editorial)
Authors: Moeslund, T. B., Guerrero, S. E., Anbarjafari, G., Nasrollahi, K. & Wan, J.
Where: Entropy 22(5), 2020
72: Title: The Effect of Diverse Dataset for Transfer Learning in Thermal Person Detection
Authors: Noor Ul Huda, Bolette D. Hansen, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 20(7), 2020
71: Title: Special issue on Advanced Machine Vision (Editorial)
Authors: Steven Puttemans, Toon Goedemé, Ajmal Mian, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rikke Gade
Where: Machine Vision and Applications, 31(14), 2020
70: Title: Fantastic plastic? An Image-based Test Method for assisting Aesthetic Quality assessors in detecting defects
Authors: Anne Juhler Hansen, Hendrik Knoche, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Polymer Testing Vol 89, 2020
69. Title: Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Neural Networks Based Low Quality Fingerprint Enhancement
Authors: Joan Vilaseca, Kamal Nasrollahi, Hasan Sait Arslan, Thomas B. Moeslund, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol 79, 2020
68: Title: Cutting Pose Prediction from Point Clouds
Authors: Mark Philip Philipsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors 20(6), 2020
67. Title: A Survey on Image-Based Automation of CCTV and SSET Sewer Inspections
Authors: Joakim B. Haurum, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Automation in Construction, Vol 111, 2020
66. Title: A Double-Deep Spatio-Angular Learning Framework for Light Field based Face Recognition
Author: A. Sepas-Moghaddam, M.A. Haque, P.L. Correia, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund, F. Pereira
Where: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30(12), 2020
65. Title: Privacy-constrained Biometric System for Non-cooperative users
Authors: Moahammad Naser Sabet Jahromi, Pau Buch-Cardona, Egils Avots, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: Entropy, 21(11), 2019
64. Title: Person Re-identification Using Spatial and Layer-Wise Attention
Authors: A.R. Lejbølle, K. Nasrollahi, B. Krogh & T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15, 2019
63. Title: Maize Silage Kernel Fragment Estimation using Deep Learning-based Object Recognition in Non-Separated Kernel/Stover RGB Images
Authors: Christoffer Bøgelund Rasmussen , Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors, 19(16), 2019
62. Title: A Novel Deep Network Architecture for Reconstructing RGB Facial Images from Thermal for Face Recognition
Author: Andre Litvin, Kamal Nasrollahi, Cagri Ozcinar, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Thomas B. Moeslund, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(18), 2019
61. Title: Rain Removal in Traffic Surveillance: Does it Matter?
Author: Chris H. Bahnsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(8), 2019
60. Title: A Review of Computer Vision for Semi-autonomous Control of Assistive Robotic Manipulators (ARMs)
Author: Stefan Hein Bengtson, Thomas B. Moeslund, Thomas Bak, Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk
Where: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology , 2019
59. Title: Human abnormal behavioural analysis (editorial)
Author: Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Sergio Escalera, Kamal Nasrollahi, Hugo Jair Escalante, Xavier Baro, Jun Wan, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Machine Vision and applications, 30(5), 2019
58. Title: Collecting Traffic Video Data Using Portable Poles: Survey, Proposal, and Analysis
Author: Morten B. Jensen, Chris H. Bahnsen, Harry S. Lahrmann, Tanja K. O. Madsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Journal of Transportation Technologies, 8(4), 2018
57. Title: Organ Segmentation in Poultry Viscera Using RGB-D
Author: Mark Philip Philipsen, Jacob Velling Dueholm, Anders Jørgensen, Sergio Escalera, Thomas Moeslund
Where: Sensors 18(1), 2018
56. Title: Constrained Multi-target Tracking for Team Sports Activities
Author: Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications 10(2), 2018
55. Title: Back-dropout Transfer Learning for Action Recognition
Author: Huamin Ren, Nattiya Kanhabua, Andreas Møgelmose, Weifeng Liu, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IET Computer Vision 12(4), 2018
54. Title: “Enhancing Person Re-identification by Late Fusion of Low-, Mid-, and High-Level Features”
Author: A.R. Lejbølle, K. Nasrollahi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: IET Biometrics 7(2) 2018
53. Title: A new low-complexity patch-based image super-resolution
Author: Pejman Rasti, Kamal Nasrollahi, Olga Orlova, Gert Tamberg, Cagri Ozcinar, Thomas B. Moeslund, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: IET Computer Vision 11(7), 2017
52. Title: “Anvendelse af ‘computer vision’ til analyse af fysisk aktivitet og energiforbrug”
Author: Poulsen, M. K., Gade, R., Larsen, R. G., Jensen, M. M., Alldieck, T., Moeslund, T. B. & Franch, J.
Where: Dansk Sportsmedicin 21(4), 2017
51. Title: “Computer vision for sports: current applications and research topics“
Author: Graham Thomas, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund, Adrian Hilton
Where: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 159, 2017
50. Title: “Reducible Dictionaries for Single Image Super-Resolution based on Patch Matching and Mean Shifting“
Author: P. Rasti, K. Nasrollahi, O. Orlova, G. Tamberg, T.B. Moeslund & G. Anbarjafari.
Where: Journal of Electronic Imaging, 26(2), 2017
49. Title: “Computer vision in sports (editorial)“
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham Thomas, Adrian Hilton, Peter Carr, Irfan Essa
Where: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 159, 2017
48. Title: “Locality Regularized Group Sparse Coding for Action Recognition“
Author: Mohammad Ali Bagheri, Qigang Gao, Sergio Escalera, Huamin Ren, Thomas B. Moeslund, Elham Etemad
Where: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 158, 2017
47. Title: “Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Facial Expression Classification“
Author: P. Rodriguez, G. Cucurull, J. Gonzàlez, J.M. Gonfaus, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 99, 2017
46. Title: “Context-Aware Fusion of RGB and Thermal Imagery for Traffic Monitoring”
Author: Thiemo Alldieck, Chris H. Bahnsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors, 16(11), 2016
45. Title: “Trajectories and Maneuvers of Surrounding Vehicles with Panoramic Camera Arrays”
Author: J. Dueholm, M. Kristoffersen, R. Satzoda, T.B. Moeslund, M. Trivedi
Where: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 1(2), 2016
44. Title: “Analysis and Retrieval of Events/Actions and Workflows in Video Streams (editorial)”
Author: Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Marco Bertini, Jordi Gonzalez and Thomas Moeslund
Where: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(22), 2016
43. Title: “Estimation of energy expenditure during treadmill exercise via thermal imaging”
Author: M.M. Jensen, M.K. Poulsen, T. Alldieck, R.G. Laesen, R. Gade, T.B. Moeslund and J. Franch
Where: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48(12), 2016
42. Title: “Improved RGB-D-T based Face Recognition”
Author: M.O. Simon, C. Corneanu, K. Nasrollahi, S. Escalera, O. Nikisins, Y. Sun, H. Li, Z. Sun, T.B. Moeslund, M. Greitans Modris
Where: IET Biometrics, 5(4), 2016
41. Title: “Segmentation of RGB-D Indoor scenes by Stacking Random Forests and Conditional Random Fields ”
Author: Mikkel Thøgersen, MSc; Sergio Escalera; Jordi Gonzàlez; Thomas B Moeslund
Where: Pattern Recognition Letters, 80(1), 2016
40. Title: “Termiske kameraer i fremtidens trafikplanlægning”
Author: O.B. Jensen, T.B. Moeslund, et. al.
Where: Trafik & Veje, 93(5), 2016
39. Title: “Vision for Looking at Traffic Lights: Issues, Survey, and Perspectives”
Author: M.B. Jensen, M.P. Philipsen, A. Møgelmose, T.B. Moeslund, M. Trivedi
Where: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(7) 2016
38. Title: “Facial Video based Detection of Physical Fatigue for Maximal Muscle Activity“
Author: Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Ramin Irani, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IET Computer Vision, 10(4) 2016
37. Title: “Multi-modal RGB-Depth-Thermal Human Body Segmentation”
Author: Cristina Palmero, Albert Clapés, Chris Bahnsen, Andreas Møgelmose, Thomas B. Moeslund, Sergio Escalera
Where: International Journal of Computer Vision, 118(2), 2016
36. Title: “RUBA -Videoanalyseprogram til trafikanalyser”
Author: Tanja Kidholm Osmann Madsen, Peter Muhlig Christensen,Chris Bahnsen, Morten Bornø Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Harry Spaabæk Lahrmann
Where: Trafik & Veje, 3, 2016
35. Title: “Pedestrian Counting with Occlusion Handling Using Stereo Thermal Cameras”
Author: Miklas S. Kristoffersen, Jacob V. Dueholm, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Sensors, 16(1), 2016
34. Title: “Heartbeat Rate Measurement from Facial Video”
Author: M.A. Haque, R. Irani, K. Nasrollahi and Thomas B Moeslund
Status: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 1, 2016
33. Title: “Reliable gait recognition using 3D reconstructions and random forests – An anthropometric approach”
Author: Martin Sandau, Rikke V. Heimbürger, Karl E. Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Henrik Aanæs, Tine Alkjær, Erik B. Simonsen
Year: 2016
Status: Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61(3) 2016
32. Title: “Special issue on Soft Biometrics (editorial)”
Author: Paulo L Correia, Thomas B Moeslund, Abdenour Hadid
Year: 2015
Status: Pattern Recognition Letters, 82(2) 2015
31. Title: “Extremal Regions Detection Guided by Maxima of Gradient Magnitude”
Author: Mehdi Faraji, Jamshid Shanbehzadeh, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2015
Status: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(12), 2015
30. Title: “On Soft Biometrics”
Author: Mark S. Nixon, Paulo L Correia, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B Moeslund, Abdenour Hadid, Massimo Tistarelli
Year: 2015
Status: Pattern Recognition Letters, 68(2) 2015
29. Title: “Efficient contactless heartbeat rate measurement for health monitoring”
Author: Mohammad A Haque, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas Moeslund
Year: 2015
Status: International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol 15, 2015
28. Title: “Application of automatic energy-based pain recognition in functional electrical stimulation”
Author: Ramin Irani, Daniel Simonsen, Ole Kæseler Andersen, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B Moeslund
Year: 2015
Status: International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol 15, 2015
27. Title: “New equations to calculate 3D joint centres in the lower extremities”
Author: M. Sandau, R.V. Heimbürger, C. Villa, K.E. Jensen, T.B. Moeslund, H. Aanæs, T. Alkjær, E.B. Simonsen
Year: 2015
Status: Journal of Medical Engineering & Physics, 37(10), 2015
26. Title: “Chromatic Shadows Detection and Tracking for Moving Foreground Segmentation”
Author: Ivan Huerta, Michael B Holte, Thomas B Moeslund, Jordi Gonzàlez
Year: 2015
Status: Image and Vision Computing, Vol 41, 2015
25. Title: “Thermal Imaging Systems for Real-Time Applications in Smart Cities”
Author: R. Gade, T.B. Moeslund et. al.
Year: 2015
Status: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 53(4) 2016
24. Title: “Thermal tracking of sports players”
Author: Rikke Gade and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2015
Status: Sensors 14(8), 2015
23. Title: “Markerless motion capture can provide reliable 3D gait kinematics in the sagittal and frontal plane”
Author: Martin Sandau, Henrik Koblauch, Thomas B. Moeslund, Henrik Aanæs, Tine Alkjær, Erik B. Simonsen
Year: 2014
Status: Medical Engineering & Physics, 36(9):1168-75
22. Title: “Super-resolution: A comprehensive survey”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Status: Machine Vision and Applications, 25(6), 2014
21. Title: “Thermal Cameras and Applications: A Survey”
Author: Rikke Gade and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Status: Published in Machine Vision and Applications, 25(1), pp 245-262, 2014
20. Title: “Special issue on Multimedia Event Detection (editorial)”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Omar Javed, Yu-Gang Jiang, R. Manmatha
Year: 2014
Status: Published in Machine Vision and Applications, 25(1), pp 1-4, 2014
19. Title: “Markerless Motion Capture Systems for tracking of persons in Forensic Biomechanics: An overview“
Author: Sylvia X.M. Yang, Martin S. Christiansen, Peter K. Larsen, Tine Alkjær, Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik B. Simonsen and Niels Lynnerup
Year: 2014
Status: Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2(1), pp 46-65, 2014
18. Title: “Analyse af Adfærd i Idrætsfaciliteter”
Author: R. Gade, C.B. Christensen, R.K. Jensen, T.B. Moeslund and H. Harder
Year: 2013
Status: Published in Forum for Idræt, Vol. 12, pp 122-133, 2013
17. Title: “Probabilistic model for individual assessment of central hyperexcitability using the nociceptive withdrawal reflex: a biomarker for chronic low back and neck pain”
Author: José A Biurrun Manresa, Giang P Nguyen, Michele Curatolo, Thomas B Moeslund and Ole K Andersen
Year: 2013
Status: Published in BMC Neuroscience, 14(110), 2013.
16. Title: “Part-based Pedestrian Detection and Feature-based Tracking for Driver Assistance: Real-Time, Robust Algorithms and Evaluation”
Author: A. Prioletti, A. Møgelmose, P. Grislieri, M. Trivedi, A. Broggi & T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2013
Status: Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (3), pp 1346 -1359, 2013
15. Title: “Vision based Traffic Sign Detection and Analysis for Intelligent Driver Assistance Systems: Perspectives and Survey”
Author: A. Møgelmose, Mohan Trivedi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Status: Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 13(4), pp 1487-1497, 2012
14. Title: “Human Pose Estimation and Activity Recognition from Multi-View Videos:
Comparative Explorations of Recent Developments”
Author: Michael B. Holte, Cuong Tran, Mohan M. Trivedi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Status: Published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6(5), pp 538–552, 2012
13. Title: “A Local 3D Motion Descriptor for Multi-View Human Action Recognition from 4D Spatio-Temporal Interest Points”
Author: Michael B. Holte, Bhaskar Chakraborty, Jordi Gonzalez and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Status: Published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6(5), pp 553 – 565, 2012
12. Title: “Selective Spatio-Temporal Interest Points”
Author: Bhaskar Chakraborty, Michael Holte, Thomas B Moeslund, and Jordi Gonzalez
Year: 2012
Status: Published in International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(3), pp 396–410, 2012
11. Title: “Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics (editorial)”
Author: Jordi Gonzalez, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Liang Wang
Year: 2012
Status: Published in International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(3), pp 305–306, 2012
10. Title: “Extracting a Good Quality Frontal Face Image from a Low-Resolution Video Sequence”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2011
Download: Yes
Status: Published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 21(10). pp 1353 – 1362, 2011
9. Title: “Summarization of Surveillance Video Sequences Using Face Quality Assessment”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund and Mohammad Rahmati
Year: 2011
Download: Yes
Status: International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol 11, nr. 2, pp. 207-233, 2011.
8. Title: “View-Invariant Gesture Recognition using 3D Optical Flow and Harmonic Motion Context”
Author: M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund and P. Fihl
Year: 2010
Down load: Yes
Status: Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (12). pp 1353-1361, 2010
7. Title: “Complete Face Logs for Video Sequences Using Quality Face Measures”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2009
Down load: Yes
Status: Published in IET Int. Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 3, nr. 4, 2009
6. Title: “Invariant gait continuum based on the duty-factor”
Author: Preben Fihl and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2009
Down load:Yes
Status: Published in journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol 3, nr. 4, 2009
5. Title: “View invariant gesture recognition using the CSEM SwissRanger SR-2 camera”
Author: M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund and P. Fihl
Year: 2008
Down load: No
Status: Published in Int. Journal. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2008 – Vol. 5, No.3/4 pp. 295 – 303
4. Title: “A Survey of Advances in Vision-Based Human Motion Capture and Analysis”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Adrian Hilton and Volker Kruger
Year: 2006
Down load: No
Status: Published in Int. Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding 104(2-3).
3. Title: “Modelling the 3D pose of a human arm and the shoulder complex utilising only two parameters”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Claus B. Madsen and Erik Granum
Year: 2005
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Published in journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 12, nr. 2, 2005
2. Title: “Modelling and Estimating the Pose of a Human Arm”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Year: 2003
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Published in Journal of Machine Vision and Applications 14(4)
1. Title: “A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Year: 2001
Down load: No
Status: Published in Int. Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding 81(3).
Book chapters:
19: Effective Facial Expression Recognition Through Multimodal Imaging for Traumatic Brain Injured Patient’s Rehabilitation
Authors: Chaudhary Muhammad Aqdus Ilyas, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Matthias Rehm, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 13th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2018 Funchal–Madeira, Portugal, January 27–29, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, July 2019
18. Title: “Contact-Free Heartbeat Signal for Human Identification and Forensics“
Author: K. Nasrollahi, M.A. Haque, R. Irani, T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2016
Where: Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science. Tistarelli, M. & Champod, C. (red.). Springer
17. Title: “Classification of Sports Types Using Thermal Imagery”
Author: R. Gade and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in Computer Vision in Sports.
Moeslund, Th.B.; Thomas, G.; Hilton, A. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-319-09395-6, Springer
16. Title: “Introduction to the Use of Computer Vision in Sports”
Author: G. Thomas, T.B. Moeslund and A. Hilton
Year: 2014
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in Computer Vision in Sports.
Moeslund, Th.B.; Thomas, G.; Hilton, A. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-319-09395-6, Springer
15. Title: “Is there Anybody Out There?”
Author: T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2011
Down load: No
Status: Appears in Visual Analysis of Humans – Looking at people.
Moeslund, Th.B.; Hilton, A.; Krüger, V.; Sigal, L. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-0-85729-996-3, Springer
14. Title: “Recognizing Human Gait Types”
Author: P. Fihl and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2010
Down load: No
Status: Appears in Robot Vision, ISBN 978953-3070773, In-Tech
13. Title: “Visual Gesture Recognition: From Motion Tracking to Expressive Gestures”
Author: A. Camurri and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2010
Down load: No
Status: Appears as chp. 10 in the book Musical Gestures. Sound, Movement, and Meaning. Rolf Inge Godoy and Marc Leman (Eds.). Published by Routledge, ISBN: 9780415998871, 2010.
12. Title: “Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance for Action Recognition”
Author: P.Fihl, M. Holte, T.B. Moeslund,
Year: 2009
Down load: Yes Status: Appears in GW 2007, Selected Revised Papers, LNCS, vol 5085, nr. 1, 2009
11. Title: “Gesture User Interfaces”
Author: Michael Nielsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Stoerring and Erik Granum
Year: 2008
Down load: No
Status: Appears as chp. 9 in the book HCI Beyond the GUI: Design for Haptic, Speech, Olfactory, and Other Nontraditional Interfaces. Phil Kortum (Eds.). Published by Morgan Kaufman, 2008.
10. Title: “Pose Estimation Using Structured Light and Harmonic Shape Contexts”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Jakob Kirkegaard
Year: 2007
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in José Braz, Alpesh Ranchordas, Helder Araújo and Joaquim Jorge (Eds.). Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision.
International Conferences VISAPP and GRAPP 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, February 25-28, 2006, Revised Selected Papers. Part VII: Image Understanding, Chapter 1. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Nov 2007.
9. Title: “Pose Estimating the Human Arm using Kinematics And the Sequential Monte Carlo Framework”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2005
Down load: No
Status: Appears as chapter 4 in part IX of the book: “Cutting Edge Robotics” edited by V. Kordic, A. Lazinica, and M. Merdan and published by Pro literatur Verlag (ISBN:3-86611-038-3).
8. Title: “Finding Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures”
Author: Lars Reng, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Erik Granum
Year: 2006
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in S. Gibet, N. Courty, and J.-F. Kamp (Eds.): GW 2005, Selected Revised Papers, LNAI 3881, pp. 133144, 2006. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
7. Title: “Recognition of Deictic Gestures for Wearable Computing”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Lau Norgaard
Year: 2006
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in S. Gibet, N. Courty, and J.-F. Kamp (Eds.): GW 2005, Selected Revised Papers, LNAI 3881, pp. 112123, 2006. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
6. Title: “A Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture Interfaces for HCI”
Author: Michael Nielsen, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Year: 2004
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Appears in the book: Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction: 5th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2003, Genova, Italy, April 15-17, 2003, Selected Revised Papers, LNCS 2915 / 2004, pages 409-420
5. Title: “CHAMELEON: a general platform for performing intellimedia”
Author: Tom Brondsted, Paul Dalsgaard, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Year: 2002
Down load: No
Status: Appears in the book: Language, Vision & Music. Edited by Mc Kevitt, Nualláin & Mulcihill. ISBN 90 272 5155 X, October 2002, pp. 79-96
4.Title: “Developing Intelligent MultiMedia applications”
Author: Tom Brøndsted, Paul Dalsgaard, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Kristian G. Olesen Year: 2002
Down load: Word-file
Status: Appears in the book: “Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems”. Edited by Bjorn Granstrom, David House and Inger Karlsson. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3. Title: “A Natural Interface to a Virtual Environment through Computer Vision-Estimated Pointing Gestures”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Störring, and Erik Granum
Year: 2002
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Appears in the book: “Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction”. Edited by Ipke Wachsmuth and Timo Sowa. Published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2298.
2.Title: “The IntelliMedia WorkBench – An Environment for Building Multimodal Systems”
Author: Tom Brøndsted, Paul Dalsgaard, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Kristian G. Olesen Year: 2001
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Appears in part four of the book: “Cooperative Multimodal Communication”. Edited by H. Bunt and R.-J. Beun and published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2155.
1. Title: “Interacting with a Virtual World through Motion Capture”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2000
Down load: Unedited: PS-file PDF-file
Status: Appears as chapter 11 in the book: “Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds” edited by Lars Qvortrup and published by Springer (ISBN: 1852333316).
Papers published in peer-reviewed proceedings:
307: AutoFish: Dataset and Benchmark for Fine-grained Analysis of Fish
Authors: Bengtson, Stefan Hein; Lehotský, Daniel; Ismiroglou, Vasiliki; Madsen, Niels; Moeslund,
Thomas B.; Pedersen, Malte
Where: Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, Tucson, US Feb 2025
306: Fall Detection: Leveraging Depth Information in Bayesian Networks
Authors: Marc Oliu Simon, Rohat Bozyil, Mia Sandra Nicole Siemon, Alejandro Martinez-Senent, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kamal Nasrollahi
Where: Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, Tucson, US Feb 2025
305: Sporing af spor efter fiskeri og spor af liv i sporene
Authors: Madsen, N., Irlind, A. F., Jørgensen, A., Sønnichsen, K. A., Pless-Schmidt, K., de Jonge, N., Lund Nielsen, J., Pedersen, M., Schmidt, J. E., Johansen, A. S., Ørsted, M., Moeslund, T. B. & Lønborg, C.,
Where: Danske Havforskermøde 2024
304: Verifying Machine Unlearning with Explainable AI
Authors: Alex Pujol Vidal et al
Where: Workshop on Explainable and Ethical AI (@ICPR), Kolkata, India, Dec 2024
303: Agglomerative Token Clustering
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sergio Escalera, Graham W. Taylor, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milano, Italy, Oct 2024
302: Underwater Uncertainty: A Multi-Annotator Image Dataset for Benthic Habitat Classification
Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Jonathan Eichild Schmidt, Amanda Frederikke Irlind, Niels Madsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Malte Pedersen
Where: Workshop on Computer Vision Methods for Ecology (@ECCV), Milano, Italy, Oct 2024
301: Bounding Boxes and Probabilistic Graphical Models: Video Anomaly Detection Simplified
Authors: Mia Sandra Nicole Siemon, Thomas B. Moeslund, Barry Norton, Kamal Nasrollahi
Where: GCPR-VMV, Munich, Germany, Sep 2024
300: An Empirical Study into Clustering of Unseen Datasets with Self-Supervised Foundation Models
Authors: Scott C. Lowe, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sageev Oore, Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham W. Taylor
Where: Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild (@ICML), Vienna, Austria, Jul 2024
299: Post-hoc XAI method for Visual Question Answering (VQA)
Authors: Satya M. Muddamsetty, Alina B. Schmidt, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Jeju Island, Korea, Jul 2024
298: A noisy elephant in the room: Is your out-of-distribution detector robust to label noise?
Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, USA, Jun 2024
297: From NeRF to 3DGS: A Leap in Stereo Dataset Quality?
Authors: Magnus Kaufmann Gjerde, Filip Slezák, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: CVPR Workshop on Synthetic Data for Computer Vision, Seattle, USA, Jun 2024
296: T-DEED: Temporal-Discriminability Enhancer Encoder-Decoder for Precise Event Spotting in Sports Videos
Authors: Artur Xarles, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund, Albert Clapés
Where: CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports, Seattle, USA, Jun 2024
Winner of the SoccerNet 2024 Ball Action Spotting Challenge 🙂
295: OpenTrench3D: A Photogrammetric 3D Point Cloud Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Underground Utilities
Authors: Lasse Hedegaard Hansen, Simon Buus Jensen, Mark Philip Philipsen, Andreas Møgelmose, Lars Bodum, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: CVPR Workshop on Urban Scene Modeling, Seattle, USA, Jun 2024
294: Exploring the Limits: Applying State-of-the-Art Stereo Matching Algorithms to Rectified Ultra-Wide Stereo
Authors: Filip Slezak, Morten S. Laursen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: CVPR Workshop on Omnidirectional Computer Vision, Seattle, USA, Jun 2024
293: Enhancing Direct Visual Odometry with Deblurring and Saliency Maps
Authors: Magnus Kaufmann Gjerde, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas Moeslund, Joakim Bruslund Haurum
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Singapore, March 2024.
292: Enabling RAW image classification using existing RGB classifiers
Authors: R. Munksø, M.V. Andersen, L. Nørgaard, A. Møgelmose and T.B. Moeslund
Where: 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, Feb 2024
291: Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence under the Surface in Jammer Bay
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Jonathan Eichild Schmidt, Amanda Frederikke Irlind, Alex Jørgensen, Niels Madsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Danske Havforskermøde, Lyngby, Denmark, Jan 2024.
290: PDA-RWSR: Pixel-Wise Degradation Adaptive Real-World Super-Resolution
Authors: A. Aakerberg, M. El Helou, K. Nasrollahi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2024.
289: CL-MAE: Curriculum-Learned Masked Autoencoders
Authors: N. Madan, N.C. Ristea, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund & R.T. Ionescu
Where: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2024.
288: Swin on Axes: Extending Swin Transformers to Quadtree Image Representations
Authors: Marc Oliu, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges @WACV, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2024.
287: UPAR Challenge 2024: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attribute-based Person Retrieval – Dataset, Design, and Results
Authors: Mickael Cormier, Andreas Specker, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Lennart Moritz, Jürgen Metzler, Thomas Moeslund, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera and Jürgen Beyerer
Where: Workshop on Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges @WACV, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2024.
286: Zero-shot Clustering of Embeddings with Self-Supervised Learnt Encoders
Authors: Scott C Lowe, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sageev Oore, Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham W. Taylor
Where: Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning – Theory and Practice @NeurIPS, New Orleans, US, Dec 2023
285: Zero-shot Clustering of Embeddings with Pretrained and Self-Supervised Learnt Encoders
Authors: Scott C Lowe, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sageev Oore, Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham W. Taylor
Where: Workshop on Robustness of Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning in Large Foundation Models @NeurIPS, New Orleans, US, Dec 2023
284: AI-enabled Value Creation in International Business: Crossing the Boundary of Bounded Rationality
Authors: Mohammad B. Rana and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: 49th EIBA Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Dec 2023
Best Paper Award for Track 10 – International Innovation and Technology Management 🙂
283: ASTRA: An Action Spotting TRAnsformer for Soccer Videos
Authors: Artur Xarles, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund, Albert Clapés
Where: 6th Int. Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports’23) @ ACM Multimedia 2023, Ottawa, Canada, October 2023
282: Which Tokens to Use? Investigating Token Reduction in Vision Transformers
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Graham W. Taylor, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), Paris France, October 2023
281: Data-driven Hyperparameter Tuning for Point-based 3D Segmentation
Authors: Simon Buus Jensen, Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Andreas Møgelmose, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Workshop (ICIPW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct 2023
280: Raw Instinct: Trust Your Classifiers and Skip the Conversion
Authors: Christos Kantas, Bjørk Antoniussen, Mathias Viborg Andersen, Rasmus Munksø, Shobhit Kotnala, Simon Buus Jensen, Andreas Møgelmose, Lau Nørgaard and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Hangzhou, China, Aug 2023
279: Danish Asylum Adjudication using Deep Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing
Authors: S. M. Muddamsetty, M. N. S. Jahromi, T.B. Moeslund & T. Gammeltoft-Hansen
Where: Seventeenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics, Kumamoto, Japan, June 2023
278: Beyond AUROC & co for evaluating out-of-distribution detection performance
Authors: G. Humblot-Renaux, S. Escalera , TB. Moeslund
Where: CVPR workshop on Safe Artificial Intelligence for All Domains, Vancouver, Canada, June 2023
277: BrackishMOT: The Brackish Multi-Object Tracking Dataset
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Daniel Lehotsky, Ivan Nikolov, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Levi, Finland, April 2023
276: RELIEF: Joint Low-Light Image Enhancement and Super-Resolution with Transformers
Authors: Andreas Aakerberg, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Levi, Finland, April 2023
275: Peat Mapping with Heterogeneous Features and Graph Neural Networks
Authors: Mark P. Philipsen, Amélie M. Beucher, Mogens H. Greve, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future, Orléans, France, Feb 2023
274: UPAR Challenge: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attributed-based Person Retrieval – Dataset, Design, and Results
Authors: Mickael Cormier, Andreas Specker, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Lucas Florin, Jürgen Metzler, Thomas Moeslund, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera and Jürgen Beyerer
Where: WACV Workshop on Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2023
273: ThermalSynth: A Novel Approach for Generating Synthetic Thermal Human Scenarios
Authors: Neelu Madan, Mia Sandra Nicole Siemon, Magnus Kaufmann Gjerde, Bastian Starup Petersson, Arijus Grotuzas, Malthe Aaholm Esbensen, Ivan Adriyanov Nikolov, Mark Philip Philipsen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: WACV Workshop on Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 2023
272: A Graph-based Approach to Video Anomaly Detection from the Perspective of Superpixels
Authors: Mia Sandra Nicole Siemon, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision, Rome, Italy, Nov 2022
271: A Shared Pose Regression Network for Pose Estimation of Objects from RGB Images
Authors: Stefan Hein Bengtson, Hampus Åstrom, Thomas B. Moeslund, Elin A. Topp, Volker Krueger
Where: International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, Dijon, France, Oct 2022
270: SoccerNet 2022 Challenges Results
Authors: Silvio Giancola, Anthony Cioppa, Adrien Deliège, et. al.
Where: International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 2022
269: Artificial Intelligence, Value Creation and Adaptation: Does Computational Rationality Complement Bounded Rationality?
Authors: Mohammad Bakhtiar Rana, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kamal Nasrollahi
Where: European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, Dec 2022
268: MOTCOM: The Multi-Object Tracking Dataset Complexity Metric
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Joakim Haurum, Patrick Dendorfer, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct 2022
267: ChaLearn LAP Seasons in Drift Challenge: Dataset, Design and Results
Authors: Anders Skaarup Johansen, Julio C.S. Jacques Junior, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW) on Real-World Surveillance (RWS), Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct 2022
266: The impact of interdisciplinarity and user involvement on the design and usability of an assistive upper limb exoskeleton – a case study on the EXOTIC
Authors: Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk, Anne Marie Kanstrup, Shaoping Bai, Thomas Bak, Mikkel Thøgersen, Mostafa Mohammadi, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard, Muhammad Ahsan Gull, Bo Bentsen, Kåre Eg Severinsen, Helge Kasch, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE 17th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Jul 2022
265: ChaLearn LAP Challenges on Self-Reported Personality Recognition and Non-Verbal Behavior Forecasting During Social Dyadic Interactions: Dataset, Design, and Results
Authors: Cristina Palmero et. al.
Where: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions (ICCVW 21), Virtual
264: Self-Supervised Predictive Convolutional Attentive Block for Anomaly Detection
Authors: Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Neelu Madan, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Kamal Nasrollahi, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mubarak Shah
Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New Orleans, USA, June 2022
263: Multi-Scale Hybrid Vision Transformer and Sinkhorn Tokenizer for Sewer Defect Classification
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Meysam Madadi, Andreas Møgelmose, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE CVPR Workshop: T4V: Transformers for Vision, New Orleans, USA, June 2022
262: Navigation-Oriented Scene Understanding for Robotic Autonomy: Learning to Segment Driveability in Egocentric Images
Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Letizia Marchegiani, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rikke Gade
Where: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, May 2022
261: SieveNet: Estimating the Particle Size Distribution of Kernel Fragments in Whole Plant Corn Silage
Authors: Christoffer Bøgelund Rasmussen, kristian kirk, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Virtual, Feb 2022
260: Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection on X-ray Images of Fuel Cell Electrodes
Authors: Simon B. Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund and Søren J. Andreasen
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Virtual, Feb 2022
259: Detecting Anomalies Reliably in Long-term Surveillance Systems
Authors: Jinsong Liu, Ivan Adriyanov Nikolov, Mark Philip Philipsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Virtual, Feb 2022
258: Presenting a Novel Pipeline for Performance Comparison of V-PCC and G-PCC Point Cloud Compression Methods on Datasets with Varying Properties
Authors: Albert Christensen, Daniel Lehotsky, Mathias Poulsen, Thomas Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Virtual, Feb 2022
257: Multi-Task Classification of Sewer Pipe Defects and Properties using a Cross-Task Graph Neural Network Decoder
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision( WACV), Waikoloa, HI, Jan 2022
256: Semantic Segmentation Guided Real-World Super-Resolution
Authors: Andreas Aakerberg, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges Workshop (RWS@WACV2022), Waikoloa, HI, Jan 2022
255: Re-Identification of Giant Sunfish using Keypoint Matching
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Thomas B. Moeslund, Marianne Nyegaard
Where: Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference, Virtual, Jan 2022
254: RELLISUR: A Real Low-Light Image Super-Resolution Dataset
Authors: Andreas Aakerberg, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Virtual, Dec 2021
253: Seasons in Drift: A Long Term Thermal Imaging Dataset for Studying Concept Drift
Authors: Ivan Nikolov, Mark Philip Philipsen, Jinsong Liu, Jacob Velling Dueholm, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Virtual, Dec 2021
252: Autonomous Monitoring of Finishing Pigs using Side-View Cameras and Deep Learning
Authors: Kasper S. Henriksen, Mathias S. Lynge and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision, Rome, Italy, Nov 2021
251: Exploring loss functions for optimising the accuracy of Siamese Neural Networks in Re-Identification application
Authors: Jonathan Eichild Schmidt, Oscar Edvard Mäkinen, Simon Gørtz Flou Nielsen, Anders S. Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision, Rome, Italy, Nov 2021
250: Real-World Thermal Image Super-Resolution
Authors: Moaaz Allahham, Andreas Aakerberg, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Virtual, Oct 2021
249: Dyadformer: A Multi-modal Transformer for Long-Range Modeling of Dyadic Interactions
Authors: David Curto, Albert Clapés, Javier Selva, Sorina Smeureanu, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, David Gallardo-Pujol, Georgina Guilera, David Leiva, Thomas B. Moeslund, Sergio Escalera, Cristina Palmero
Where: Workshop on Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions @ICCV, Virtual, Oct 2021
248: Temporal Cues from Socially Unacceptable Trajectories for Anomaly Detection
Authors: Neelu Madan, Arya Farkhondeh, Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions @ICCV, Virtual, Oct 2021
247: Pose Estimation from RGB Images of Highly Symmetric Objects using a Novel Multi-View Loss and Differential Rendering
Authors: Stefan Hein Bengtson, Åström Hampus, Thomas B. Moeslund, Elin Anna Topp, Volker Krueger
Where: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, Oct 2021
246: Single-Loss Multi-Task Learning For Improving Semantic Segmentation Using Super-Resolution
Authors: Andreas Aakerberg, Anders Skaarup Johansen, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Virtual, September 2021
245: Object-Centric Anomaly Detection using Memory Augmentation
Authors: Jacob Velling Dueholm, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Virtual, September 2021
244: Human-Robot Trust Assessment Using Top-Down Visual Tracking After Robot Task Execution Mistakes
Authors: Kasper Hald, Matthias Rehm, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Virtual, Sep 2021
243: Artificial Intelligence for Detecting Indoor Visual Discomfort from Facial Analysis of Building Occupants
Authors: Hicham Johra, Rikke Gade, Mathias Østergaard Poulsen, Albert Daugbjerg Christensen, Mandana Sarey Khanie, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rasmus Lund Jensen
Where: Proceedings of CISBAT International Conference, Journal of Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep 2021
BEST Paper Award 🙂
242: Generalizing Floor Plans using Graph Neural Networks
Authors: Christoffer Plovmand Simonsen, Frederik Myrup Thiesson, Mark Philip Philipsen, Thomas B Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage, Alaska, Sep 2021
241: Attention-Enabled Object Detection to Improve One-Stage Tracker
Authors: Neelu Madan, Kamal Nosrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sep 2021
240: Sewer-ML: A Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification Dataset and Benchmark
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Online, Jun 2021
239: 3D-ZeF: A 3D Zebrafish Tracking Benchmark Dataset
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Joakim B. Haurum, Stefan H. Bengtson, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Computer Vision for Animal Behavior Tracking and Modeling Workshop @CVPR, Virtual, Sep 2021
238: Effects of Pre-processing on the Performance of Transfer Learning Based Person Detection in Thermal Images
Authors: Noor Ul Huda, Rikke Gade and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Chengdu, China, July 2021
237: SoccerNet-v2: A Dataset and Benchmarks for Holistic Understanding of Broadcast Soccer Videos
Authors: Adrien Deliege, Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Meisam Jamshidi Seikavandi, Jacob Velling Dueholm, Kamal Nasrollahi, Bernard Ghanem, Thomas B. Moeslund, Marc Van Droogenbroeck
Where: IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVSports@CVPRW), Online, Jun 2021
236: Machine Vision for Aesthetic Quality Control of Reflective Surfaces
Authors: Anne Juhler Hansen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Hendrik Knoche, Mark Philip Philipsen
Where: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, Morocco, Jun 2021
235: Supervised Versus Self-supervised Assistant for Surveillance of Harbor Fronts
Authors: Jinsong Liu, Mark P. Philipsen, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online, Feb 2021
234: Deep Emotion Recognition through Upper Body Movements and Facial Expressions
Authors: Chaudhary Muhammad Aqdus Ilyas, Matthias Rehm, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kamal Nasrollahi
Where: International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online, Feb 2021
233: Sewer Defect Classification using Synthetic Point Clouds
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Moaaz M. J. Allahham, Mathias S. Lynge, Kasper Schøn Henriksen, Ivan A. Nikolov and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online, Feb 2021
232: Multi-level Quality Assessment of Retinal Fundus Images using Deep Convolution Neural Networks
Authors: Satya Mahesh Muddamsetty, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Online, Feb 2021
231: Expert level evaluations for explainable AI (XAI) methods in the medical domain
Authors: Satya Mahesh Muddamsetty, Mohammad Naser Sabet Jahromi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Int Workshop on Explainable Deep learning – AI (ICPRW), Milan, Italy, Jan 2021
230: Evaluation of Edge Platforms for Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Authors: Christoffer Bøgelund Rasmussen, Aske Rasch Lejbølle, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Workshop on Industrial Machine Learning (ICPRW), Milan, Italy, Jan 2021
229: Deep car detection by fusing grayscale image and weighted upsampled LiDAR depth
Authors: Meisam Jamshidi Seikavandi, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision. Rome, Italy, Nov 2020
228: SIDU: Similarity Difference and Uniqueness Method for Explainable AI
Authors: Satya M. Muddamsetty, Mohammad N. S. Jahromi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 2020
227: One-to-one person re-identification for queue time estimation
Authors: A.R. Lejbølle, B. Krogh, K. Nasrollahi, & T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 2020
226: Human-Robot Trust Assessment Using Motion Tracking & GSR
Authors: Kasper Hald, Matthias Rehm, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, USA, October 2020
225: Sewer Deterioration Modeling: The Effect of Training a Random Forest Model on Logically Selected Data-groups
Authors: Bolette D. Hansen, Søren H. Rasmussen,Thomas B. Moeslund, Mads Uggerby, David G. Jensen
Where: International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), Sep 2020
224: Generating Synthetic Point Clouds of Sewer Networks: An Initial Investigation
Authors: Henriksen, K. S., Lynge, M. S., D.B.Jeppesen, M., Allahham, M. M. J., Nikolov, I. A., Haurum, J. B. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, Lecce, Italien, Sep 2020
223: Presenting the Multi-View Traffic Intersection Dataset (MTID): A Detailed Traffic-Surveillance Dataset
Authors: M.B. jensen, A. Møgelmose & T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rhodes, Greece, September 2020
222: Prediction of the Methane Production in Biogas Plants Using a Combined Gompertz and Machine Learning Model
Authors: Bolette Dybkjær Hansen, Jamshid Tamouk, Christian A. Tidmarsh, Rasmus Johansen, Thomas B. Moeslund, David Getreuer Jensen
Where: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Cagliari, Italy, July 2020
221: 3D-ZeF: A 3D Zebrafish Tracking Benchmark Dataset
Authors: Pedersen, M., Haurum, J. B., Bengtson, S. H. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, June 2020
220: A Context-Aware Loss Function for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
Authors: Cioppa, A., Deliege, A., Giancola, S., Ghanem, B., Droogenbroeck, M. V., Gade, R. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, June 2020
219: Multimodal and multiview distillation for real-time player detection on a football field
Authors: Anthony Cioppa, Adrien Deliege, Noor Ul Huda, Rikke Gade, Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Thomas Moeslund
Where: IEEE CVPR workshop on Computer Vision in Sports, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2020
218: Vision-based Individual Factors Acquisition for Thermal Comfort Assessment in a Built Environment
Authors: Jinsong Liu, Isak Worre Foged and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE workshop on Faces and Gestures in E-health and Welfare, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2020
217: Evaluation of Model Selection for Kernel Fragment Recognition in Corn Silage
Authors: C.B. Rasmussen and T.B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Computer Vision for Agriculture, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, May 2020
216: Re-Identification of Zebrafish using Metric Learning
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Anastasija Karpova, Malte Pedersen, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Workshop on Deep Learning Methods and Applications for Animal Re-Identification, Aspen, CO, USA, March 2020
215: Ergonomic Adaptation of Robotic Movements in Human-Robot Collaboration
Authors: Marike K. van den Broek, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Cambridge, UK, March 2020
214: General Sewer Deterioration Model Using Random Forest
Authors: Bolette Dybkjær Hansen, David Getreuer Jensen, Søren Højmark Rasmussen, Jamshid Tamouk, Mads Uggerby and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Xiamen, China, December 2019
213: Teaching Pepper Robot to Recognize Emotions of Traumatic Brain Injured Patients Using Deep Neural Networks
Authors: Chaudhary Muhammad Ilyas*, Viktor Schmuck, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Kamal Nasrollahi, Matthias Rehm, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India, October 2019
212: Proposing Human-Robot Trust Assessment through Tracking Physical Apprehension Signals in Close-Proximity Human-Robot Collaboration
Authors: Kasper Hald, Matthias Rehm, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India, October 2019
211: Tongue control of exoskeletons and assistive robotic arms for individuals with tetraplegia
Authors: Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk, Mostafa Mohammadi, Mikkel Thøgersen, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard, Muhammad Ahsan Gull, Anne Marie Kanstrup, Michael Gaihede, Helge Kasch, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2019
210: Augmented Reality Technology for Displaying Close-Proximity Sub-Surface Positions
Authors: K. Hald, M. Rehm & T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Paphos, Cyprus, September 2019
209: Detection of Marine Animals in a New Underwater Dataset with Varying Visibility
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Rikke Gade, Niels Madsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE workshop on Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring (CVPRW), Long Beach, CA, USA, June 2019
208: Is it Raining Outside? Detection of Rainfall using General-Purpose Surveillance Cameras
Authors: Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Chris H. Bahnsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE workshop on Vision for All Seasons: Bad Weather and Nighttime (CVPRW), Long Beach, CA, USA, June 2019
207: Intelligent Injection Curing of Bacon
Authors: Mark P. Philipsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference in Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), Limerick, Ireland, June, 2019.
206: Weight Estimation of Broilers in Images Using 3D Prior Knowledge
Authors: Anders Jørgensen, Jacob V. Dueholm, Jens Fagertun, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Norrkoping, Sweden, June 2019
205: Learning to Remove Rain in Traffic Surveillance by Using Synthetic Data
Authors: Chris Holmberg Bahnsen, David Vázquez, Antonio M. López, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, Feb 2019
204: Reading circular analogue gauges using digital image processing
Authors: Jakob S. Lauridsen, Julius A. G. Graasmé, Malte Pedersen, David Getreuer Jensen, Søren Holm Andersen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, Feb 2019
203: A Framework For Automated Analysis of Surrogate Measures of Safety from Video using Deep Learning Techniques
Authors: Morten Bornø Jensen, Martin Ahrnbom, Maarten Kruithof, Kalle Åström, Mikael Nilsson, Håkan Ardö, Aliaksei Laureshyn, Carl Johnsson, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, Jan 2019
202: Reaching behind Specular Highlights by Registration of Two Images of Broiler Viscera
Authors: A. Jørgensen, M. Pedersen, R. Gade, J. Fagertun & T.B. Moeslund
Where: 1st International Workshop on Advanced Machine Vision for Real-life and Industrially Relevant Applications (@ACCV), Perth, Australia, Dec 2018
201: Image-based Sea/Land Map Generation from Radar Data
Authors: F.J. Riera, R. Engholm, L.W. Jochumsen, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018
200: Multimodal Heartbeat Rate Estimation from the Fusion of Facial RGB and Thermal Videos
Authors: Anders Skaarup Johansen, Jesper Wædeled Henriksen, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision, Munich, Germany, Nov 2018
199: Title: Classify broiler viscera using an iterative approach on noisy labelled training data
Authors: Anders Jørgensen, Jens Fagertun and T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, USA, Nov 2018
198: Title: Patient’s Body Motion Study using Multimodal RGBDT Videos
Authors: Mohammad A. Haque, Simon S. Kjeldsen, Federico G. Arguissain, Iris Brunner, Kamal Nasrollahi, Ole Kæseler Andersen, Jørgen F. Nielsen, Thomas B. Moeslund and Anders Jørgensen
Where: International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, USA, Nov 2018
197: Title: Occlusion-aware Pedestrian Detection
Authors: C. Apostolopoulos, K. Nasrollahi, M-H.Y. Yang, M.N.S. Jahromi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Vision, Munich, Germany, Nov 2018
196: Title: Swimming Pool Occupancy Analysis using Deep Learning on Low Quality Video
Authors: M.B. Jensen, R. Gade, T.B. Moeslund
Where: First International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports @ACM, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2018
195: Title: Controlling a drone by the tongue: A pilot study on drone based facilitation of social activities and sports for people with complete tetraplegia
Authors: M. Mohammadi, R. Lontis, B. Bentsen, H. Knoche, T.B. Moeslund, T. Bak, M. Gaihede
Where: International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Pisa, Italy, Oct 2018
194: Title: Virtual-Reality for Demonstrating Tool Pose
Authors: Mark P. Philipsen, Haiyan Wu and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Automating Robot Experiments: Manipulation and Learning (@IROS), Madrid, Spain, Oct 2018
193: Title: Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injured Patients: Patient Mood Analysis from Multimodal Video
Authors: C.M.A. Ilyas, K. Nasrollahi, M. Rehm, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, Oct 2018
192: Title: Light Field Based Face Recognition Via A Fused Deep Representation
Authors: A. Sepas-Moghaddam, P.L. Correia, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund, F. Pereira
Where: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Aalborg, Denmark, Sep 2018
191: Title: Towards a ground truth of AADT on using video data and tracking software?
Authors: Rasmus Øhlenschlæger, Harry Spaabæk Lahrmann, Thomas B Moeslund, Chris Holmberg Bahnsen, Niels Agerholm
Where: ITS World Congress – Quality of Life, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 2018
190: Title: Testing Augmented Reality Systems for Spotting Sub-Surface Impurities
Authors: K. Hald, M. Rehm, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Conference on Human-Work Interaction Design, Espoo, Finland, Aug 2018
189: Title: Industrial Human-Robot Collaboration
Authors: M.P. Philipsen, M. Rehm, T.B. Moeslund
Where: AI for Multimodal Human Robot Interaction Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Jul 2018
188: Title: Attention in Multimodal Neural Networks for Person Re-identification
Authors: Aske Rasch Lejbølle, Benjamin Krogh, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Workshop on Visual Understanding of Humans in Crowd Scene @CVPR, Salt Lake City, USA, Jun 2018
187: Title: Camera Calibration for Underwater 3D Reconstruction Based on Ray Tracing using Snell’s Law
Authors: Malte Pedersen, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund, Niels Madsen
Where: IEEE Workshop and Challenge: Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring @CVPR, Salt Lake City, USA, Jun 2018
186: Title: Estimating the Number of Soccer Players using Simulation-based Occlusion Handling
Authors: Noor Ul Huda, Kasper Halkjær Jensen, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVsports) @CVPR, Salt Lake City, USA, Jun 2018
185: Title: Deep Multimodal Pain Recognition: A Database and Comparision of Spatio-Temporal Visual Modalities
Authors: Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund, et. al
Where: IEEE Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Xian, China, May 2018
184: Title: Changes in Facial Expression as Biometric: A Database and Benchmarks of Identification
Authors: Rain Eric Haame, Kaustubh Kulkarni,Thomas B. Moeslund, et. al
Where: IEEE Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition : Workshop, Xian, China, May 2018
183: Title: Getting Crevices, Cracks, and Grooves in Line: Anomaly Categorization for AQC Judgment Models
Authors: A.J. Hansen, H. Knoche, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Sardinia, Italy, May 2018
182: Title: Automatic Access Control Based on Face and Hand Biometrics in A Non-Cooperative Context
Authors: Mohammad Naser Sabet Jahromi, Morten Bojesen Bonderup, Kamal Nasrollahi,
Maryam Asadi-Aghbolaghi, Egils Avots, Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Shohreh Kasaei,
Thomas B. Moeslund, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision : Cross-Domain Biometric Recognition Workshop
181: Title: Collaborative Meat Processing in Virtual Reality
Authors: Lærke I. N. Hansen, Niklas Vinther, Lukas Stranovsky, Mark P. Philipsen, Haiyan Wu, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interaction, Chicago, USA, March 2018
180: Title: Facial Expression Recognition for Traumatic Brain Injured Patients
Authors: Chaudhary Muhammad Aqdus Ilyas, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund, Matthias Rehm, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Jan 2018
179: Title: Identifying Basketball Plays from Sensor Data; towards a Low-Cost Automatic Extraction of Advanced Statistics
Authors: Adrià Arbués Sangüesa, Thomas B. Moeslund, Chris Holmberg Bahnsen, Raul Benítez Iglesias
Where: The Second International Workshop on Data mining for the Analysis of Performance and Success, New Orleans, USA, Nov 2017.
178: Title: Occupancy Analysis of Soccer Fields Using Wide-Angle Lens
Authors: Noor Ul Huda, Rikke Gade, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, Jaipur, India, Dec 2017
177: Title: “Depth Value Pre-Processing for Accurate Transfer Learning based RGB-D Object Recognition“
Authors: A. Aakerberg, C.B. Rasmussen, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, Nov 2017
Award: Best paper
176: Title: “R-FCN Object Detection Ensemble based on Object Resolution and Image Quality“
Authors: C.B. Rasmussen, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, Nov 2017
175: Title: “Real-Time Barcode Detection and Classification using Deep Learning“
Authors: D.K. Hansen, C.B. Rasmussen, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, Nov 2017
174: Title: “Improving a real-time object detector with compact temporal information”
Authors: M. Ahrnbom, M.B. Jensen, K. Åström, M. Nilsson, H. Ardö, & T.B. Moeslund
Where: 5th Workshop on Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving @ICCV, Venice, Italy, Oct 2017
173: Title: “Multimodal Neural Network for Overhead Person Re-identification“
Authors: A.R. Lejbølle, K. Nasrollahi, B. Krogh & T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, Darmstadt, Germany, Sep 2017
172: Title: “Road user behaviour analyses based on video detections: Status and best practice examples from the RUBA software“
Authors: N. Agerholm, C. Tønning, T.K.O. Madsen, C.H. Bahnsen, T.B. Moeslund, H.S. Lahrmann
Where: ITS World Congress, Montréal, Canada, Nov 2017
171: Title: “Measuring energy expenditure in sports by thermal video analysis”
Authors: Rikke Gade, Ryan Godsk Larsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVPRW), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2017
170: Title: “Evaluating State-of-the-art Object Detector on Challenging Traffic Light Data“
Authors: Morten Jensen, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Traffic Surveillance Workshop and Challenge (CVPRW), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2017
169: Title: “Comparison of two simulation methods for testing of algorithms to detect cyclist and pedestrian accidents in naturalistic data”
Authors: T.K.O. Madsen, M.B. Christensen, C.S. Andersen, A. Várhelyi, A. Laureshyn, T.B. Moeslund, H. Lahrmann
Where: International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium, The Hague, Netherlands, June 2017
168: Title: “Diagnosis of broiler livers by classifying image patches”
Authors: A. Jørgensen, J. Fagertun, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Tromsø, Norway, June 2017
167: Title: “Estimation of Heartbeat Peak Locations and Heartbeat Rate from Facial Video”
Authors: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Tromsø, Norway, June 2017
166: Title: “Pain Expression as a Biometric: Why Patients’ Self-Reported Pain doesn’t Match with the Objectively Measured Pain?”
Authors: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis, Feb 2017
165: Title: “Constraint Patch Matching for Faster Person Re-identification“
Authors: A.R. Lejbølle, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis, Feb 2017
164: Title: “Late Fusion in Part-based Person Re-identification“
Authors: A.R. Lejbølle, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2017), Singapore, Feb 2017
163: Title: “Low Cost Video Animation of People using a RGBD Sensor”
Authors: C.J. Thomsen, A. Hilton, T. Jensen, T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Porto, Portugal, Feb 2017
162: Title: “Fast Fingerprint Classification with Deep Neural Network“
Authors: D. Michelsanti, Y. Guichi, A-D. Ene, R. Stef., K. Nasrollahi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Porto, Portugal, Feb 2017
161: Title: “Parking Space Verification: Improving Robustness Using A Convolutional Neural Network“
Authors: T. Jensen, H. Schmidt, N. Dyremose, K. Nasrollahi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Porto, Portugal, Feb 2017
160: Title: “Complementing SRCNN by Transformed Self-Exemplars“
Authors: A. Aakerberg, C.B. Rasmussen, K. Nasrollahi & T.B. Moeslund
Where: 2nd Workshop of Face and Facial Expression Recognition (@ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, Dec 2016
159: Title: “Spatio-Temporal Pain Recognition in CNN-based Super-Resolved Facial Images“
Authors: M. Bellantonio, M.A. Haque, P. Rodriguez, K. Nasrollahi, T. Telve, S.E. Guerrero, J. Gonzàlez, T.B. Moeslund, P. Rasti, & G. Anbarjafari.
Where: 2nd Workshop of Face and Facial Expression Recognition (@ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, Dec 2016
158: Title: “Comprehensive Parameter Sweep for Learning-based Detector on Traffic Lights“
Authors: M.B. Jensen, M.P. Philipsen, M.M. Trivedi, and T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, NV, Dec 2016
157: Title: “Preventing Drowning Accidents using Thermal Cameras“
Authors: S. Bonderup, J.L Olsson, M.B. Bonderup, and T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, NV, Dec 2016
156: Title: “Thermal Super-Pixels for Bimodal Stress Recognition“
Authors: Ramin Irani, Kamal Nasrollahi, Abhinav Dahl, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Tom Gedeon
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oulu, Finland, Dec 2016
155: Title: “Improved Interpolation Kernels for Super Resolution Algorithms“
Authors: Pejman Rasti, Olga Orlova, Gert Tamberg, Cagri Ozcinar, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oulu, Finland, Dec 2016
154: Title: “Initiating GrabCut by Color Difference for Automatic Foreground Extraction of Passport Imagery“
Authors: Adria A. Sanguesa, Nicolai K. Jørgensen, Christian A. Larsen, Kamal Nasrollahi, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oulu, Finland, Dec 2016
153: Title: “Automatic analysis of activities in sports arenas using thermal cameras“
Authors: Rikke Gade and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, Naples, Italy, Nov 2016
152: Title: “Multi-Perspective Vehicle Detection and Tracking: Challenges, Dataset, and Metrics”
Authors: Jacob V. Dueholm, Miklas S. Kristoffersen, Ravi K. Satzoda, Eshed Ohn-Bar, Thomas B. Moeslund and Mohan M. Trivedi
Where: IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 2016
151: Title: “An In-depth Study of Sparse Codes on Abnormality Detection“
Authors: Huamin Ren, Hong Pan, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Morten Bornø Jensen and Thomas Moeslund
Where: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, Aug 2016
150: Title: “Projecting Robot Intentions into Human Environments“
Authors: R.S. Andersen, O. Madsen, T.B. Moeslund, H.B. Amor
Where: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, New York, USA, Aug 2016
149: Title: “Task Space HRI for Cooperative Mobile Robots in Fit-Out Operations Inside Ship Superstructures“
Authors: R.S. Andersen, S. Bøgh, T.B. Moeslund, O. Madsen
Where: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, New York, USA, Aug 2016
148: Title: “Learning Dynamic Classes of Events using Stacked Multilayer Perceptron Networks“
Authors: N. Kanhabua, H. Ren, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval (Neu-IR), Pisa, Italy, Jul 2016
147: Title: “RGB-D Segmentation of Poultry Entrails“
Authors: Mark Philip Philipsen, Anders Jørgensen, Thomas B. Moeslund and Sergio Escalera
Where: Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, July 2016
Award: Best Paper for Commercial Application
146: Title: “Spatiotemporal Facial Super-Pixels for Pain Detection“
Authors: Dennis H. Lundtoft, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund and Sergio Escalera
Where: Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, July 2016
Award: Best student paper
145: Title: “The Prospects of Musical Instruments For People with Physical Disabilities“
Authors: J.V. Larsen, D. Overholt, T.M. Moeslund
Where: New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Brisbane, Australia, July 2016
144: Title: “Analyzing wheels of vehicles in motion using laser scanning“
Authors: A. Møgelmose, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops: Automatic Traffic Surveillance, Las Vegas, USA, June 2016
143: Title: “Towards Semantic Understanding of Surrounding Vehicular” Maneuvers: A Panoramic Vision-Based Framework for Real-World Highway Studies”
Authors: M.S. Kristoffersen, J.V. Dueholm, R.K. Satzoda, M.M. Trivedi, A. Møgelmose, T.B. Moeslund
Where: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops: Automatic Traffic Surveillance, Las Vegas, USA, June 2016
142: Title: “Quality Inspection of Printed Texts“
Authors: J.B. Pedersen, K. Nasrollahi, and T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, May 2016
141: Title: “Stitching Grid-wise Atomic Force Microscope Images”
Authors: M. Vestergaard, S. Bengtson, M. Pedersen, C. Rankl and T.B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, Feb 2016
140: Title: “Audio-visual classification of sports types”
Authors: Rikke Gade, Mohamed Abou-Zleikha, Mads Christensen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (ICCV workshop), Santiago, Chile, Dec 2015
139: Title: “Detecting Road Users at Intersections Through Changing Weather Using RGB-Thermal Video”
Authors: C. Bahnsen, T.B. Moeslund
Where: 11th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’15), Las Vegas, Dec 2015
138: Title: “Traffic Light Detection at Night: Comparison of a Learning-based Detector and three Model-based Detectors“
Authors: M.B. Jensen, M.P. Philipsen, A. Møgelmose, C. Bahnsen, T.B. Moeslund, M. Trivedi
Where: 11th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’15), Las Vegas, Dec 2015
137: Title: “Super-resolution of facial images in forensics scenarios“
Authors: Joao Satiro, Kamal Nasrollahi, Paulo Correia, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Orleans, France, Nov 2015
136: Title: “Deep Learning based Super-Resolution for Improved Action Recognition“
Authors: Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, Pejman Rasti, Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Xavier B. Sole, Hugo Escalante, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Orleans, France, Nov 2015
135: Title: “Traffic Light Detection: A Learning Algorithm and Evaluations on Challenging Dataset”
Authors: Mark Philip Philipsen, Morten Bornø Jensen, Andreas Møgelmose, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mohan Trivedi
Where: IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas, Spain, Sep 2015
134: Title: “Detecting Gallbladders in Chicken Livers using Spectral Imaging”
Authors: Anders Jørgensen, Eigil Mølvig Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Machine Vision of Animals and their Behaviour (BMVC workshop), Swansea, UK, Sep 2015
133: Title: “Unsupervised Behavior-Specific Dictionary Learning for Abnormal Event Detection”
Authors: H. Ren, W. Liu, S.I. Olsen, S. Escalera, T.B. Moeslund
Where: The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Swansea, UK, Sep 2015
132: Title: “Can Contact-free Measurement of Heartbeat Signal be used in Forensics?“
Authors: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: European Signal Processing Conference, Nice, France, Sep 2015
131: Title: “EREL: Extremal Regions of Extremum Levels”
Authors: M. Faraji, J. Shanbehzadeh, K. Nasrollahi, T:B. Moeslund
Status: Accepted for IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Quebec City, Canada. Sep 2015
130: Title: “Detecting Road User Actions in Traffic Intersections Using RGB and Thermal Video”
Authors: Chris Bahnsen, Thomas Moeslund
Where: IEEE Workshop on Automatic Traffic Surveillance (AVSS workshop), Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug 2015
129: Title: “Ongoing Work on Traffic Lights: Detection and Evaluation”
Authors: Morten B. Jensen, Mark P. Philipsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Andreas Møgelmose and Mohan M. Trivedi
Where: IEEE Workshop on Automatic Traffic Surveillance (AVSS workshop), Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug 2015
128: Title: “Greedy vs. L1 Convex Optimization in Sparse Coding: Comparative Study in Abnormal Event Detection“
Authors: Huamin Ren, Hong Pan, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Greed is Great (ICML workshop), Lille, France, Jul 2015
127: Title: “How Does Structured Sparsity Work in Abnormal Event Detection?“
Authors: Huamin Ren, Hong Pan, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Workshop on Features and Structures (ICML workshop), Lille, France, Jul 2015
126: Title: “Trajectory Analysis and Prediction for Improved Pedestrian Safety: Integrated Framework and Evaluations“
Authors: Andreas Møgelmose, Mohan M. Trivedi, Thomas Moeslund
Status: Accepted for IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Seoul, Koera. Jun 2015
125: Title: “Day and Night-Time Drive Analysis using Stereo Vision for Naturalistic Driving Studies“
Authors: Mark P. Philipsen and Morten B. Jensen, Ravi K. Satzoda,Mohan M. Trivedi, Andreas Møgelmose, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Accepted for IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Seoul, Koera. Jun 2015
124: Title: “Spatiotemporal Analysis of RGB-D-T Facial Images for Multi-Modal Pain Level Recognition”
Authors: R. Irani, K. Nasrollahi, M. Oliu, C. Corneanu, S. Escalera, C. Bahnsen, D. Lundtoft, T.B. Moeslund, T. Pedersen, M.L. Klitgaa, L. Petrini.
Status: Accepted for IEEE CVPR Workshop on Looking at People, Boston, USA, June 2015
123: Title: “Keep it Accurate and Diverse: Enhancing Action Recognition Performance by Ensemble Learning“
Authors: M.A. Bagheri, Q. Gao, S. Escalera, A. Clapés, K. Nasrollahi, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund
Status: Accepted for IEEE CVPR Workshop on Looking at People, Boston, USA, June 2015
122: Title: “Pain Recognition using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy of Facial Muscles“
Authors: R. Irani, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Status: Accepted for IEEE CVPR Workshop on Looking at People, Boston, USA, June 2015
121: Title: “Heartbeat Signal from Facial Video for Biometric Recognition“
Author: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Accepted for Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2015
120: Title: “Intuitive Task Programming of Stud Welding Robots for Ship Construction”
Author: Rasmus S. Andersen, Simon Bøgh, Thomas B. Moeslund and Ole Madsen
Status: Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 2015
119: Title: “Comparison of Multi-shot Models for Short-term Re-identification of People using RGB-D Sensors“
Author: Andreas Møgelmose, Chris Bahnsen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Berlin, Germany, Marts 2015
118: Title: “Circular Hough Transform and Local Circularity Measure for Weight Estimation of a Graph-Cut based Wood Stack Measurement“
Author: B. Galsgaard; D.H. Lundtoft; I. Nikolov, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa Beach, HI, Jan 2015
117: Title: “Quality-Aware Estimation of Facial Landmarks in Video Sequences“
Author: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund Status: Presented at the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa Beach, HI, Jan 2015
116: Title: “Counting the Crowd at a Carnival“
Author: J.B. Pedersen, J.B. Markussen, M.P. Philipsen, M.B. Jensen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the 10th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, US, Dec 2014
115: Title: “Stereoscopic Roadside Curb Height Measurement using V-Disparity“
Author: Florin-Octavian Matu, Iskren Vlaykov, Mikkel Thogersen, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the 7th International Conference on Machine Vision. Milan, Italy, Nov 2014
114: Title: “Robustness of Input features from Noisy Silhouettes in Human Pose Estimation”
Author: W. Gong, P. Fihl, J. Gonzalez and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, Beijing, China, Oct 2014
113: Title: “Attention Estimation By Simultaneous Analysis of Viewer and View“
Author: Ashish Tawari, Andreas Møgelmose, Sujitha Martin, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mohan M. Trivedi
Status: Presented at the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, Oct 2014
112: Title: “Contactless measurement of muscles fatigue by tracking facial feature points in a video“
Author: Ramin Irani, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris, France, Oct 2014
111: Title: “Taking the temperature of pedestrian movement in public spaces“
Author: S.Z. Nielsen, R. Gade, T.B. Moeslund and H. Skov-Petersen
Status: Presented at the Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Delft, The Netherlands, Oct 2014
110: Title: “Improving Global Multi-target Tracking with Local Updates“
Author: Anton Milan, Rikke Gade Anthony Dick, Thomas B. Moeslund and Ian Reid
Status: Presented at the International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Re-Identification (ECCV workshop), Zurich, Sep 2014
109: Title: “Abnormal Event Detection Using Local Sparse Representation”
Author: H. Ren and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Seoul, Korea, Aug 2014
108: Title: “Measuring Human Movement Patterns and Behaviors in Public Spaces. A method based on Thermal Cameras, Computer Vision, and Geographical Information System technologies”
Author: S.Z. Nielsen, R. Gade, T.B. Moeslund and H. Skov-Petersen
Status: Presented at the International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Aug 2014
107: Title: “Classification of Sports Types from Tracklets”
Author: Rikke Gade and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the KDD workshop on Large-scale Sports Analytics, New York, US, August 2014
106: Title: “RGB-D-T based Face Recognition“
Author: Olegs Nikisins, Kamal Nasrollahi, Modris Greitans and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm Sweden, Aug 2014
105: Title: “Adaptive Non-Local Means for Cost Aggregation in a Local Disparity Estimation Algorithm“
Author: Casper Pedersen, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm Sweden, Aug 2014
104: Title: “THE ACTUATED GUITAR: Implementation and user test
on children with Hemiplegia”
Author: Jeppe V. Larsen, Dan Overholt and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), London, UK, June 2014
103: Title: “Hand-Eye Calibration of Depth Cameras based on Planar Surfaces“
Author: Rasmus S. Andersen, Ole Madsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Workshop on Intelligent Robot Assistants (IRAS), Padova, Italy, June 2015
102: Title: “Validation and test of a closed-loop tele-rehabilitation system based on functional electrical stimulation and computer vision for analysing facial expressions in stroke patients”
Author: D. Simonsen, R. Irani, K. Nasrollahi, J. Hansen, E.G. Spaich, T. B. Moeslund and O.K. Andersen
Status: Presented at The International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2014
101: Title: “Exercising the Tibialis Anterior Muscle of Children with Cerebral Palsy for Improved Neuroplasticity using an Electrical Guitar”
Author: Jeppe V. Larsen, Thomas B. Moeslund and Dan Overholt
Status: Presented at The International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2014
100: Title: “Automatic detection of conflicts at signalized intersections“
Author: Tanja K. O. Madsen, Chris Bahnsen, Harry Lahrmann & Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at Workshop on the Comparison of Surrogate Measures of Safety Extracted from Video Data, Washington D.C, Jan 2014
99. Title: “Constructing Facial Expression Log from Video Sequences using Face Quality Assessment“
Author: M.A. Haque, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2014
98. Title: “Improved Pulse Detection from Head Motions Using DCT“
Author: R. Irani, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2014
97. Title: “Interfacing Assessment Using Facial Expression Recognition“
Author: R. Andersen, K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2014
96. Title: “Using Robot Skills for Flexible Reprogramming of Pick Operations in Industrial Scenarios“
Author: R.S. Andersen, L. Nalpantidis, V. Krüger, O. Madsen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2014
95. Title: “General Purpose Segmentation for Microorganisms in Microscopy Images“
Author: S.N. Jensen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented at International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2014
94. Title: “‘Are Haar-like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition Reducible?“
Author: K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Havana, Cuba, November 2013
93. Title: “Fast Calibration of Industrial Mobile Robots to Workstations using QR Codes“
Author: R.S. Andersen , C. Schou, J.S. Damgaard, O. Madsen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Symposium on Robotics, Seoul, Korea, October 2013
92. Title: “Haar-like Features for Robust Real-Time Face Recognition“
Author: K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented by me at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, Australia, September 2013
91. Title: “Action Recognition using Salient Neighboring Histograms“
Author: Huamin Ren and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Presented by me at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, Australia, September 2013
90. Title: “Real-Time Acquisition of High Quality Face Sequences from an Active Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera“
Author: Mohammad A. Haque, Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IEEE Workshop on Low-Resolution Face Analysis, Krakow, Poland, August 2013
89. Title: “Tamper Detection for Active Surveillance Systems”
Author: Theodore Tsesmelis, Lars Christensen, Preben Fihl and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Krakow, Poland, August 2013
88. Title: “The actuated guitar: a platform enabling alternative interaction methods“
Author: Jeppe V. Larsen, Dan Overholt and Thomas B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in Sound and Music Computing, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2013
87. Title: “Sports Type Classification using Signature Heatmaps“
Author: R. Gade and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IEEE CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2013
86. Title: “Tri-modal Person Re-identification with RGB, Depth and Thermal Features”
Author: A. Møgelmose, A. Clapés, C. Bahnsen, T.B. Moeslund and S. Escalera
Status: Appears in IEEE CVPR Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2013
85. Title: “Long-term Occupancy Analysis using Graph-Based Optimisation in Thermal Imagery“
Author: R. Gade, A. Jørgensen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2013
84. Title: “Haar-like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition“
Author: K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Madrid, Spain, June 2013
83. Title: “Multimodal Person Re-identification Using RGB-D Sensors and a Transient Identification Database“
Author: A. Møgelmose, K. Nasrollahi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2013
82. Title: “Real-time Multiple Abnormality Detection in Video Data“
Author: S.H. Have, H. Ren, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 2013
81. Title: “Small Vocabulary with Saliency Matching for Video Copy Detection“
Author: H. Ren, T.B. Moeslund, S. Tang and H. Ramampiaro
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 2013
80. Title: “Human Assisted Computer Vision on Industrial Mobile Robots“
Author: R.S. Andersen, O. Madsen and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Status: Appears in 1st AAU Workshop on Robotics, Aalborg, Denmark, November 2012
79. Title: “Fingertip’s Speed Analysis for Touch Detection Using a Smart Phone“
Author: S.N. Jensen, N.G. Myrtue, C. Pedersen, G. Tranchet, K. Nasrollahi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in 8th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, Naples, Italy, November 2012
78. Title: “An RGB-D Database Using Microsoft’s Kinect for Windows for Face Detection“
Author: R.I. Høg, P. Jasek, C. Rofidal, K. Nasrollahi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in 8th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, Naples, Italy, November 2012
77. Title: “Learning to Detect Traffic Signs: Comparative Evaluation of the Roles of Real-world and Synthetic Datasets“
Author: A. Møgelmose, M. Trivedi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, November 2012
76. Title: “3D Human Pose Estimation using 2D Body Part Detectors“
Author: A. Barbulescu, W. Gong, J. Gonzalez, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, November 2012
75. Title: “Controlling Urban Lighting by Human Motion Patterns results from a full Scale Experiment“
Author: E. Poulsen, H.J. Andersen, R. Gade, O. Jensen, T. Thyrrestrup and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in ACM Multi Media, Nara, Japan, October 2012
74. Title: “Two-Stage Part-Based Pedestrian Detection“
Author: A. Møgelmose, A. Prioletti, M.M. Trivedi, A. Broggi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 2012
73. Title: “Traffic Sign Detection and Analysis: Recent Studies and Emerging Trends“
Author: A. Møgelmose, M. Trivedi, and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 2012
72. Title: “Automatic Occupancy Analysis of Sports Arenas“
Author: R. Gade, A. Jørgensen, T.B. Moeslund and R. Krogh
Status: Appears in EASM Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, September 2012
71. Title: “Automatic Estimation of Movement Statistics of People“
Author: T. Jensen, H. Rasmussen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Presented by me at the Int. Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 2012
Note: Received the Most Suitable for Commercial Application award
70. Title: “Evaluation of Human Body Tracking System for Gesture-based Programming of Industrial Robots“
Author: C. Hoilund, V. Kruger and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, July 2012
69. Title: “Occupancy Analysis of Sports Arenas Using Thermal Imaging“
Author: R. Gade, A. Jørgensen and T.B. Moeslund
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Rome Italy, February 2012
68. Title: “Human Activity Recognition using Multiple Views: A Comparative Perspective on Recent Developments“
Author: M.B. Holte, C. Tran, M.M Trivedi and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International ACM Workshop on Multimedia access to 3D Human Objects, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Nov 28 – Dec 1 2011
67. Title: “Using Human Motion Intensity as Input for Urban Design“
Author: E.S. Poulsen, H.J. Andersen, R. Gade, O.B. Jensen, and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in Workshop on Interactive Human Behavior Analysis in Open or Public Spaces. Amsterdam, November 2011
66. Title: “A Selective Spatio-Temporal interest point Detector for Human Action Recognition in Complex Scenes“
Author: B. Chakraborty, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, J. Gonzalez
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision, Barcelona, Spain, 6-13 November, 2011
65. Title: “Low-Cost Hand Vein Pattern Recognition”
Author: M. Distler, S.H.N. Jensen, N.G. Myrtue, C. Petitimbert, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Singapore. October 14-16, 2011
64. Title: “3D Reconstruction of Buildings with Automatic Facade”
Author: C. Larsen and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Presented by me at the International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 26-28, 2011
63. Title: “Mirror illusion using Augmented Reality: Investigating Multimodal Perceptual Distortions“
Author: Giselle Christoffersen, Laura Petrini, Michael Nielsen, Carsten Dahl Morch, Thomas Mygind, Thomas Moeslund, Lars Arendt-Nielsen
Down load: No
Status: Appears in the 9th International Gesture Workshop. Athens, Greece, May 25-27, 2011
62. Title: “3D Human Action Recognition for Multi-View Camera Systems”
Author: Michael B. Holte, Thomas B. Moeslund, Nikos Nikolaidis and Ioannis Pitas
Down load: No
Status: Presented by me at The First Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference. Hangzhou, China, May, 2011
61. Title: “A prediction model for differentiating chronic pain patients and healthy subjects based on withdrawal reflex EMG signals”
Author: Nguyen, P. G., Biurrun Manresa, J., Curatolo, M., Moeslund, T. B. & Andersen, O. K.
Down load: No
Status: Appears in 5th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. Cancun, Mexico, April, 2011
60. Title: “Hallucination of Super-Resolved Face Images”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), Beijing China, October 2010
59. Title: “Finding and Improving the Key-Frames of Long Video Sequences for Face Recognition”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in IEEE International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Whasington DC, USA, September 2010, September 2010
58. Title: “Pose Estimation of Interacting People using Pictorial Structures”
Author: P. Fihl and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Boston, USA, September 2010
57. Title: “Crowd Analysis by using Optical Flow and Density Based Clustering”
Author: Francesco Santoro, Sergio Pedro, Zheng-Hua Tan and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2010), Aalborg, Denmark, Aug 2010
56. Title: “Hybrid Super Resolution using Refined Face Logs”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Paris, France, July 2010
55. Title: “Improving Stereo Camera Depth Measurements and Benefiting from Intermediate Results”
Author: Carsten Hoilund, Thomas Moeslund, Claus Madsen, Mohan M. Trivedi
Down load: No
Status: Presented by me at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, San Diego,CA, USA, June 2010
54. Title: “Using Augmented Reality as MVF Treatment for CRPS Patients”
Author: L. Knudsen, D. Baskarada, N. Nedergaard, R.B. Pedersen, L.G. Vink, T.B. Moeslund, H. Puggaard, and L. Lassen
Down load: No
Status: Appears in Scandinavian Hand Society Meeting, Gotland, Sweden, May 2010
53. Title: “Free Space Computation from Stochastic Occupancy Grids based on Iconic Kalman Filtered Disparity Maps”
Author: C. Hoilund, T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, and M.M. Trivedi
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Angers, France, May 2010
52. Title: “Face Log Generation for Super Resolution using Local Maxima in the Quality Curve”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Angers, France, May 2010
51. Title: “Real Time Face Quality Assessment for Face Log Generation”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Appears in International Conference on Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Analysis (MVIPPA), Bangkok, Dec 2009
50. Title: “Interactive Assembly Guide using Augmented Reality”
Author: M. Andersen, R. Andersen, C. Larsen, T.B. Moeslund, and O. Madsen
Down load: No
Status: Presented by me at the International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov 2009
49. Title: “Detection and Removal of Chromatic Moving Shadows in Surveillance Scenarios”
Author: I. Huerta Casado, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, J. Gonzàlez
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in International Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto, Japan, October, 2009
48. Title: “Shadow detection in dynamic scenes using dense stereo information and an outdoor illumination model”
Author: C.B. Madsen, T.B. Moeslund, A. Pal, and S. Balasubramanian
Down load: Yes
Status: Appears in Workshop on Dynamic 3D Imaging. LNCS 5742. Jena, Germany, September 2009
47. Title: “Head Pose Estimation from Passive Stereo Images”
Author: Michael D. Breitenstein, Jeppe Jensen, Carsten Hoilund, Thomas B. Moeslund, Luc Van Gool
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Olso, Norway, LNCS 5575, 2009
46. Title: “Multi-View Video Analysis of Humans and Vehicles in an Unconstrained Environment”
Author: D.M. Hansen, P.T. Duizer, S. Park, T.B. Moeslund, and M.M. Trivedi
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 1-3, 2008
45. Title: “AVSS 2008 commentary paper for: Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach“
Author: Thomas Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: A strange experience…my review was reviewed and then published…Conference: 5th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 1-3, 2008
44. Title: “Fusion of Range and Intensity Information for View Invariant Gesture Recognition”
Author: M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund and P. Fihl
Down load: Yes
Status: IEEE Workshop on Time of Flight Camera based Computer Vision (CVPR-workshop), Anchorage, Alaska, June 23-28, 2008
43. Title: “A Neural Network Based Cascaded Classifier for Face Detection in Color Images with Complex Background”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi, Mohammad Rahmati, Thomas Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Presented at the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2008), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 2008
42. Title: “Invariant Classification of Gait Types”
Author: P. Fihl and T.B. Moeslund;
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the fifth Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CVR 2008), Windsor, ON, Canada, May 2008
41. Title: “Face Quality Assessment System in Video Sequences”
Author: Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas Moeslund
Down load: No
Status: Presented at the Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BIOID 2008), Roskilde, Denmark, May 2008
40. Title: “View Invariant Gesture Recognition using 3D Motion Primitives”
Author: M.B. Holte and T.B. Moeslund.
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’08), Las Vegas, US, March 30 – April 4, 2008
39. Title: “Event-Based Tracking Evaluation Metric”
Author: D. Roth, E. Koller-Meier, D. Rowe, T.B. Moeslund, L. Van Gool
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing (WMVC), Copper Mountain, Colorado, Jan 2008
38. Title: “View Invariant Gesture Recognition using the CSEM SwissRanger SR-2 Camera”
Author: M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund and P. Fihl
Down load: Paper
Status: Presented at the Dynamic 3D Imaging workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, September 11 2007
37. Title: “Classification of Gait Types Based on the Duty-factor”
Author: P. Fihl and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: Paper
Status: Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS’07), London, UK, September 5-7 2007
36. Title: “Face Detection Using Multiple Cues”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, J.S. Petersen, and L.D. Skalski
Down load: Paper
Status: Presented by me at the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA’07), Aalborg, Denmark, June 10-14 2007
35. Title: “Automatic Annotation of Humans in Surveillance Video”
Author: D.M. Hansen, B.K. Mortensen, P.T. Duizer, J.R. Andersen and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: Paper Videos: 1,2,3,4. Images
Status: Presented by me at the International workshop on Video Processing and Recognition, Montreal, Canada, May 28-30, 2007
34. Title: “Motion Primitives for Action Recognition”
Author: P. Fihl, M.B. Holte and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the The 7th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Lisbon, Portugal, May 23-25, 2007
33. Title: “Tracking of Individuals in Very Long Video Sequences”
Author: P. Fihl, R. Corlin, S. Park, T.B. Moeslund and M.M. Trivedi
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the Int. Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, November 6-8, 2006
32. Title: “Bin-Picking based on Harmonic Shape Contexts and Graph-Based Matching”
Author: J. Kirkegaard and T.B. Moeslund
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, China, Aug, 2006
31. Title: “Action Recognition using Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance”
Author: P. Fihl, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, L. Reng
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. 11-14 July, 2006
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Jakob Kirkegaard
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Setúbal, Portugal, February, 2006
Author: Niels Tjornly Rasmussen, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Erik Granum
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Setúbal, Portugal, February, 2006
28.Title: “Modeling Falling and Accumulating Snow”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, M. Aagaard, and D. Lerche
Down load: PDF-file + videos
Status: Presented at the SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VISION, VIDEO AND GRAPHICS. Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2005
27.Title: “Pose Estimation of Randomly Organized Stator Housings”
Author: T.B. Moeslund and J. Kirkegaard
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’05). Joensuu, Finland, June 19-22 2005
26.Title: “Recognition of Deictic Gestures for Wearable Computing”
Author: T.B. Moeslund and L. Norgaard
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at The 6th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Berder Island, France, May 18-20 2005
25.Title: “Finding Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, L. Reng and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at the The 6th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Berder Island, France, May 18-20 2005
24.Title: “3D Pose Estimation of Cactus Leaves using an Active Shape Model”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Aagaard, and D. Lerche
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Breckenridge, Colorado, Jan 2005
23.Title: “Motion Capture of Articulated Chains by Applying Auxiliary Information to the Sequential Monte Carlo Algortihm”
Author: T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the 4th IASTED International Conference on VISUALIZATION, IMAGING, AND IMAGE PROCESSING, Marbella, Spain, Sep 2004
22.Title: “Computer Vision-Based Gesture Recognition for an Augmented Reality Interface”
Author: M. Störring, T.B. Moeslund, Y. Liu, and E. Granum
Down load: No
Status: Presented at the 4th IASTED International Conference on VISUALIZATION, IMAGING, AND IMAGE PROCESSING, Marbella, Spain, Sep 2004
21.Title: “Pointing and Command Gestures for Augmented Reality”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Störring, and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the ICPR workshop on Visual Observation of Diectic Gestures (Pointing’04), Cambridge, UK, August, 2004
20.Title: “The ARTHUR System: An Augmented Round Table”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Störring, W. Broll, F.Aish, Y. Liu, and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, June 2004.
19.Title: “Towards Natural, Intuitive and Non-intrusive HCI Devices for Roundtable Meetings”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Störring, Y. Liu, W. Broll, I. Lindt, C. Yuan, and M. Wittkaemper
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at The workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 2004.
18.Title: “Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking of Body Parameters in a Sub-Space”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at The International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG), Nice, France, October 2003.
17.Title: “Computer Vision Based Head Tracking from Re-configurable 2D Markers for AR”
Author: Yong Liu, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, Claus B. Madsen, Erik Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). Tokyo, Japan, October 2003..
16.Title: “Facilitating the Presence of Users and 3D Models by the Augmented Round Table”
Author: Erik Granum, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mortiz Störring, Wolfgang Broll, and Michael Wittkaemper
Down load: HTML-file
Status: Presented by me at The 6th Annual International Workshop on Presence. Aalborg, Denmark, October 2003.
15.Title: “Bootstrapping Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking”
Author: T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presentation by me at the.13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’03) , Goteborg, Sweden, July 2003.
14.Title: “A Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture Interfaces for HCI”
Author: M. Nielsen, M. Störring, T.B. Moeslund, and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at The 5th Int. Workshop on Gesture and Sign Language based Human-Computer Interaction (GW2003). Genova, Italy, 15-17 April 2003.
13.Title: “Modelling the 3D Pose of a Human Arm and the Shoulder complex utilising only Two Parameters”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at the Int. Conference on Model-based Imaging, Rendering, image Analysis and Graphical special Effects (Mirage). INRIA Rocquencourt, France, 10-11 March 2003.
12.Title: “Estimating the 3D Shoulder Position using Monocular Vision and a Detailed Shoulder Model”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Vittrup, K.S. Pedersen, M.K. Laursen, M.K.D. Sørensen, H. Uhrenfeldt, and E. Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST’02), Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 24 – 27, 2002.
11.Title: “Pose Estimation of a Human Arm using Kinematic Constraints”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Down load: PS-file PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the 12th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’01) , Bergen, Norway, June 11-14, 2001.
10.Title: “A Natural Interface to a Virtual Environment through Computer Vision-estimated Pointing Gestures”
Author: Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Erik Granum
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at the 4th International Workshop on Gesture and Sign Language based Human-Computer Interaction (GW2001). City University, London, UK. 18th-20th April 2001
9.Title: “3D Human Pose Estimation using 2D-Data and an Alternative Phase Space Representation”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Down load: PS-file PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the IEEE Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis (HuMAnS 2000), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. June 16, 2000 .
8.Title: “Multiple Cues used in Model-Based Human Motion Capture”
Author:Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Down load: PS-file PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition ( FG’2000), Grenoble, France. March 26-30, 2000.
7. Title: “CHAMELEON: a general platform for performing intellimedia”
Author:Tom Brøndsted, Paul Dalsgaard, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas B. Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Down load: No
Status: Presented at The Eighth International Workshop on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing (CSNLP-8). Galway, Ireland. August 16-19, 1999.
6. Title: “Setting Up a Master’s Programme in Intelligent MultiMedia – Approach and Applications”
Author:Thomas B. Moeslund and Lars Bo Larsen
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’99), Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.
5. Title: “The IntelliMedia Workbench – A Generic Environment for Multimodal Systems”
Author:Tom Brøndsted, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP ’98), Sydney, Australia.
4. Title: “Enhancing a WIMP based interface with Speech, Gaze tracking and Agents”
Author: Lau Bakman, Mads Blidegn, Martin Wittrup, Lars Bo Larsen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP ’98), Sydney, Australia.
3. Title: “CHAMELEON: a general platform performing intellimedia”
Author:Tom Brøndsted, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented at the Ninth Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICS-98), Dublin, Ireland.
2. Title: “The Intellimedia WorkBench – an environment for building multimodal systems”
Author: Tom Brøndsted, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the second international Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Communication (CMC ’98), Tilburg, The Netherlands.
1. Title: “Real-Time Recognition of Hand Alphabet Gestures Using Principal Component Analysis”
Author: Henrik Birk, Thomas B. Moeslund and Claus B. Madsen
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’97), Lappeenranta, Finland.
None peer-reviewed papers:
33. Title: SoccerNet 2024 Challenges Results
Author: Cioppa et al
Where: Online, 2025
32. Title: Automatiseret monitorering af torskefangsten fra trawlfiskeri (AUTOFISK)
Author: Daniel Lehotský, Stefan Hein Bengtson, Malte Pedersen, Andreas Møgelmose, Kasper Fuglsang Grøntved, Benjamin Oliver Musak Hansen, Andreas Følbæk Gravgaard, Thomas B. Moeslund, Alex Jørgensen, Niels Madsen
Where: Online, 2025
31. Title: Mainstreaming Data Science across Domain Applications: Lessons from
interdisciplinary research collaborations
Author: Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Online, 2023
30. Title: I lære som menneske
Author: Andreas Møgelmose and Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Weekendavisen April 7, 2023
29. Title: Understanding Behaviors in Videos through Behavior-Specific Dictionaries
Author: Huamin Ren, Weifeng Liu, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Research Gate
28. Title: Forskning i potentialet for machine learning i vandsektoren
Author: Bolette Dybkjær Hansen, David Getreuer Jensen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Dansk Vand Konference, Aarhus, Denmark, November 2019
27.Title: Use of underwater camera technology in fisheries and marine monitoring
Author: Niels Madsen, Kurt Thomas Jensen, Peter Rask Møller, Malte Pedersen, Rasmus Ern Andersen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: Det 20. Danske Havforskermøde, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark
Year: 2019
26.Title: Self-supervised Preparation for Supervised Pose Prediction
Author: M.P. Philipsen, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Aalborg U Robotics Workshop, Aalborg, Denmark.
Year: 2018
25.Title: The AAU Multimodal Annotation Toolboxes: Annotating Objects in Images and Videos
Author: C.H. Bahnsen, A. Møgelmose, T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2018
24.Title: Deep Learning: Et gennembrud inden for kunstig intelligens
Author: M.B. Jensen, C.H. Bahnsen, K. Nasrollahi, T.B. Moeslund
Where: Aktuel Naturvidenskab, Nr 2
Year: 2018
23.Title: The RUBA Watchdog Video Analysis Tool
Author: C.H. Bahnsen, T.K.O. Madsen, M.B. Jensen, H.S. Lahrmann, T.B. Moeslund
Where: H2020 report
Year: 2018
22.Title: Tools for Naturalistic VRU Study – Hands-on Manual
Author: T.K.O. Madsen, N. Agerholm, A. Várhelyi, C.H. Bahnsen, M.B. Jensen, A. Laureshyn, T.B. Moeslund & H.S. Lahrmann
Where: H2020 report
Year: 2018
21.Title: Augmented Cellular Meat Production
Author: Rehm, M., Philipsen, M. P., Andersen, R. S., Madsen, O. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: Aalborg U Robotics Workshop, Aalborg, Denmark, Nov 2017
Year: 2017
20.Title: Adaptive and self-learning slaughter robots
Author: Philipsen, M. P., Andersen, R. S., Madsen, O. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: Aalborg U Robotics Workshop, Aalborg, Denmark, Nov 2017
Year: 2017
19.Title: Introduction to the EXOTIC project
Author: Struijk, L. N. S. A., Kanstrup, A. M., Bai, S., Bak, T. & Moeslund, T. B.
Where: Aalborg U Robotics Workshop, Aalborg, Denmark, Nov 2017
Year: 2017
Author: Huamin Ren, Hong Pan, Søren Ingvor Olsen, Thomas B. Moeslund
Where: arxiv
Year: 2016
17.Title: “When is a robot a robot?”
Author: Ole Madsen, Thomas Bak, Lotte N.S. Andreasen Struijk and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Status: Appears in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems – Celebrating 10 Years. pp 23-25, 2014
16.Title: “Tri-modal Human Body Segmentation“
Author: Cristina Palmero, Albert Clapes, Chris Bahnsen, Andreas Møgelmose, Sergio Escalera and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2013
Status: Presented at CVC Workshop on the Progress of Research & Development, 2013
15.Title: “Looking at People”
Author: T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2011
Down load: Link
Status: Published in Public Service Review. European Science & Technology 11, pp 146-147
14.Title: “Big Brother gør sit indtog”
Author: T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2009
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Published in Aktuel Naturvidenskab, no 6, September, 2009
13.Title: “Face Image Quality and its Improvement in a Face Detection System”
Author: K. Nasrollahi and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2008
Down load: No
Status: Published in The 16’th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Copenhagen, Danmark, August 2008
12.Title: “Modeling Motion for Gait Analysis”
Author: I. Rius, J. Gonzalez, B. Chakraborty, T.B. Moeslund and X. Roca
Year: 2007
Down load: No
Status: Published in Advances in Research and Development, Proceedings of the 2nd CVC International Workshop, D. Gil, J. Gonzàlez and G. Sánchez (eds.), 129-134, ISBN: 978-84-935251-4-9, Bellaterra (Spain) OCT 2007
11.Title: “Virtuel Byplanlægning”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, M. Störring, L. Bodum og A. Nielsen
Year: 2006
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Published in Aktuel Naturvidenskab, no 4, September, 2006
10.Title: “Action Recognition using Motion Primitives”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, P. Fihl, and M.B. Holte
Year: 2006
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at the’Den 15. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 15th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 2006
9.Title: “Finding Key-Frame Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures by Using a Density Measure”
Author: L. Reng, T.B. Moeslund, and E. Granum
Year: 2005
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at the‘Den 14. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 14th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 2005
8.Title: “Computer Vision Based Head Tracking from Re-configurable 2D Markers for AR”
Author: Y. Liu, M. Störring, T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, and E. Granum
Year: 2003
Down load: No
Status: Presented at ‘Den 12. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 12th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 2003.
7.Title: “Computer Vision in the ARTHUR Project”
Author: M. Störring T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, and E. Granum
Year: 2002
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented at ‘Den 11. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 11th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 2002.
6.Title: “Bootstrapping the Condensation Algorithm”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Year: 2002
Down load: PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at ‘Den 11. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 11th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 2002.
5.Title: “Visual Motion Capture as a means of Control in Telepresence”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum
Year: 2000
Down load: PS-file
Status: Presented by me at ‘Den 9. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 9th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis).
Aalborg University, Denmark, August 2000.
4.Title: “Vision-Based User Interface for Interacting with a Virtual Environment”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Störring, and Erik Granum
Year: 2000
Down load: PS-file PDF-file
Status: Presented by me at ‘Den 9. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 9th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis).
Aalborg University, Denmark, August 2000.
3. Title: “The Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach in Human Motion Capture: A Review”
Author:Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 1999
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at ‘Den 8. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 8th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 1999.
2. Title: “Combining Speech and Vision processing in a Platform for Intelligent Multi Media”
Author: Tom Brøndsted, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas Moeslund, Kristian G. Olesen
Year: 1998
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at ‘Den 7. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse’ (The 7th Danish conference on pattern recognition and image analysis). Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, August 1998.
1. Title: “Circle detection by image analysis using the Dynamic Generalized Hough Transform”
Author: Henrik Birk, Lise Grevenkop-Castenskiold, Jacob Lind, Thomas Baltzer Moeslund, Karina Møller and Klaus Ingemann Pedersen.
Year: 1995
Down load: Yes
Status: Presented by me at an internal student conference at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Technical reports:
24. Title: “Training and testing labelled image and video datasets of human faces for different indoor visual comfort and glare visual discomfort situations”
Author: Johra, H., Veit, M., Poulsen, M. Ø., Christensen, A. D., Gade, R., Moeslund, T. B. & Jensen, R. L.
Year: 2023
Number: DCE Technical Reports; Nr. 316
Down load: Yes
Author: E.B. Skouboe, R. Gade, M.F. Mullins, O.B. Jensen, A. Jørgensen, R.K. Madsen, H.J. Andersen, T.B. Moeslund, A.J. Morrison
Year: 2013
Number: Technical Report
Down load: Yes
22. Title: “EVILibAAU Controlling SONY EVI Cameras”
Author: M. Andersen and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2010
Number: Technical Report: CVMT-10-01 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: Yes
21. Title: “Experiments on the Integration of the Danish Language into a Natural Language Text Generation System”
Author: H. Harland, M. Andersen, P. Fihl, T. Moeslund
Year: 2009
Number: Internal report, Institut für Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme (IAKS), Fakultät für Informatik der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany
Down load: No
20. Title: “Introduction to the CSEM SwissRanger camera”
Author: M.B. Holte and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2007
Number: Technical Report CVMT-07-04 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: DOC-file
19. Title: “Implementation of Danish in the Natural Language Generator of Angus2“
Author: Søren S. Larsen, Preben Fihl, and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2007
Number: Technical Report CVMT-07-03 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
18. Title: “Dateset: Head Direction“
Author: P.T. Duizer, D.M. Hansen and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2007
Number: Technical Report CVMT-07-02 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: DOC-file
17. Title: “Gesture Recognition using a Range Camera”
Author: M.B. Holte and T.B. Moeslund
Year: 2007
Number: Technical Report CVMT-07-01 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
16. Title: “Detecting Head Orientation in Low Resolution Surveillance Video”
Author: T.B. Moeslund, B.K. Mortensen and D.M. Hansen
Year: 2006
Number: Technical Report CVMT-06-02 ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
15. Title: “Action Recognition in Semi-synthetic Images using Motion Primitives”
Author: P. Fihl, M.B. Holte, T.B. Moeslund, L. Reng
Year: 2006
Number: Technical Report CVMT 06-01 ISSN/ISBN: 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
14. Title: “Applying High-Level Knowledge to Obtain an Efficient State-Space Representation of Body Parameters”
Author: Thomas Moeslund
Year: 2003
Number: Technical Report CVMT 03-03, ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
13. Title: “A Brief Overview of Hand Gestures used in Wearable Human Computer Interfaces”
Author: Thomas Moeslund and Lau Nørgaard
Year: 2003
Number: Technical Report CVMT 03-02, ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
Author: Michael Nielsen, Thomas Moeslund, Moritz Störring, and Erik Granum
Year: 2003
Number: Technical Report CVMT 03-01, ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PDF-file
11. Title: “Improving Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking by Bootstrapping”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2002
Number: Technical Report CVMT 02-02, ISSN 1601-3646
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10. Title: “Modelling the Human Arm”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2002
Number: Technical Report CVMT 02-01, ISSN 1601-3646
Down load: PS-file PDF-file
9. Title: “An Introduction to Template Matching”
Author: Moritz Störring and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2001
Number: Technical Report CVMT 01-04, ISSN 1601-3646
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8. Title: “Principal Component Analysis – An Introduction”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2001
Number: Technical Report CVMT 01-02, ISSN 0906-6233
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7. Title: “Pruning the Possible Configurations of a Human Arm using Kinematic Constraints”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2001
Number: Technical Report CVMT 01-01, ISSN 0906-6233
Down load: No
6. Title: “Estimating the Configuration of a Human Arm using Computer Vision”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2000
Number: Technical Report CVMT 00-02, ISSN 0906-6233
Down load: Yes
5. Title: “Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture – A Survey”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 1999
Number: Technical Report LIA 99-02, ISSN 0906-6233
Down load: Yes
4. Title: “Summaries of 107 Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture Papers”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 1999
Number: Technical Report LIA 99-01, ISSN 0906-6233
Down load: Yes
3. Title: “A platform for developing Intelligent MultiMedia applications”
Author: Tom Brøndsted, Paul Dalsgaard, Lars Bo Larsen, Michael Manthey, Paul Mc Kevitt, Thomas Moeslund, and Kristian G. Olesen
Year: 1998
Number: Technical Report R-98-1004, ISSN 0908-1224
Down load: Yes
2. Title: “Controlling a Movable Laser from a PC”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund, Mads Blidegn and Lau Bakman
Year: 1998
Number: Technical Report R-98-1002, ISSN 0908-1224
Down load: Yes
1. Title: “An application programmer’s guide to the protocol and driver for computer control of the SONY EVI-D31 tracking camera”
Author: Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 1997
Number: Technical Report LIA 97-01, ISSN 0906-6233
Down load: Yes
Student reports:
Title: “Recognizing Gestures From the Hand Alphabet Using Principal Component Analysis”
Author: Henrik Birk and Thomas Baltzer Moeslund
Year: 1996
Down load: Yes
Title: “Tracking Multiple Objects using Multiple Cues”
Author: Henrik Birk, Thoms Baltzer Moeslund and Jens Søndergaard Sørensen
Year: 1996
Down load: No
Title: “Problems at an eye department solved in a visual environment”
Author: Henrik Birk, Jacob Lind, Thomas B. Moeslund, Patrick Monet, Karina Møller and Jens S. Sørensen.
Year: 1995
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