My main research interest is computer vision and is conducted in the Visual Analysis and Perception Lab. Other research interests cover image analysis, AI, XAI, machine vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, perception, HCI, and robotics.
Below you can see the research projects I’ve been involved in as well as the research events that I have been involved in organizing.
Research project participation
AI Hub | Nordic AI Hub Nordic Council of Ministers, 2025-2026 |
3Dcomp | Compression for sequences of point cloud or voxel representations Rogaland, Norway, 2021 |
CA19121 | Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living EU-COST action CA19121, 2020 – 2023 |
CA17124 | Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices EU-COST action CA17124, 2018 – 2021 |
InDev | In-Depth understanding of accident causation for Vulnerable road users H2020-MG.3.4-2014, 2015 – 2018 |
IC1307 | The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language EU-TIST-COST action IC1307, 2013 – 2017 |
IC1106 | Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age EU-TIST-COST action IC1106, 2012 – 2015 |
BIDS | Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smartcards EU-TIST-COST action 2101, 2006 – 2011 |
HERMES | Human-Expressive Representations of Motion and Their Evaluation in Sequences FP6 IST-027110 Specific Targeted Research Project, 2006-2009 |
CONGAS | Gesture Controlled Audio Systems EU-TIST-COST action 287, 2004 -2007 |
ARTHUR | Augmented Round Table for Architecture and Urban Planning EU-IST-RTD project (IST-2000-28559), 6 partners, 2001-2004 |
FG-NET | Face and Gesture Recognition Working Group EU-IST Thematic Network (IST-2000-26434), 6 partners, 2001-2004 |
CAISA | Center for AI in Society Funded by the Ministry of Digital Affairs, 2025-2027 |
D4D | Drones for defence Funded by IFD, 2025 – 2028 |
XAI-CRED | Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Credibility in Asylum Decision-making Funded by the Villum Foundation, 2025-2030 |
C-Drone | Counter-Drone System Funded by National Defence Technology Centre, 2024 – 2026 |
RehapRobotics | Center for Rehabilitation Robotics with Focus on ALS Funded by Louis-Hansens Foundation, 2024 – 2026 |
MS-program | Milestone Research programme @AAU Funded by Milestone Systems, 2024 – 2027 |
AI:DK | AI Denmark Funded by The Danish Industry Foundation, 2024 – 2027 |
SLAM | Enhancing Robustness and Adaptability in Visual-Inertial SLAM for Diverse and Dynamic Environments Funded by Carnegie Robotics, 2023 – 2026 |
REPAI | Responsible AI for Value Creation Funded by the Grundfos Foundation, 2023 – 2027 |
FLOW | Environmental awareness for agricultural vehicles using Scene Flow Funded by IFD, 2023 – 2026 |
AICF | AI – Color Fashion Funded by IFD, 2023 – 2027 |
READY | The local R&D factory for a global circular textile industry Funded by IFD, 2023 – 2027 |
FLIP | Flexible Laser Integrated Production Funded by IFD, 2023 – 2027 |
Jambo | Undersøgelser af havbundsforhold og bundslæbende redskabers påvirkning i Jammerbugt Funded by Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, 2023 – 2023 |
Contestable AI | Contestable Artificial Intelligence Funded by DFF, 2022-2025 |
AutoFish | Automated monitoring of Cods Funded by Ministry of Environment and Food, 2022-2023 |
SEWbot | Robotized sewing and handling Funded by IFD InnoMission, 2022-2024 |
PBL-AI | Automating the assessment of final exams Funded by AAU, 2022 |
P1 | Pioneer Center for AI Funded by DNRF, NNF, CF, VF, LF, 2021-2031 |
XAIfair | Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Fairness in Asylum Law Funded by Villum Synergy program, 2021-2023 |
ReRob | Center for Rehabilitation Robotics Funded by Louis-Hansen Foundation, 2021-2026 |
AI:DK | AI Denmark – boosting the use of AI in SMEs Funded by The Danish Industry Foundation, 2021-2023 |
ReDoCO2 | Reducing and Documenting CO2 emissions from Peatlands Funded by IFD, 2020 – 2024 |
CORONA | Estimation, Simulation, and Control for Optimal Containment of COVID-19 Funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, 2020 – 2020 |
AIGP | AI in General Practice Funded by the Ministry of Health, 2020 – 2021 |
MS-program | Milestone Research programme @AAU Funded by Milestone Systems, 2019 – 2023 |
MarineVision | Marine analytics using computer vision Funded by DFF, 2020 – 2022 |
AI-Ethics | AI & Ethics Funded by AAU, 2019-2020 |
NozzelChecker | Deep Learning for nozzle checking Funded by private Company, 2019 |
DeepBobbles | Deep Learning in Computer Vision Funded by private Company, 2019-2020 |
ASIR | Autonomous Sewer Inspection Robot Funded by IFD, 2018-2022 |
MLwater | Machine learning for value creation in the utility sector Funded by IFD, 2018-2021 |
ThermalArch | Thermal Adaptive Architecture Funded by Realdania & the Obel Foundation, 2018-2021 |
AI@SMEs | Innovative use of Big Data: Deep learning-based image processing Funded by Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling og Region Midtjylland, 2018-2019 |
FoodPerception | Computer vision-based analysis of food perception Funded by SDC, 2018-2019 |
DermaCam | En platform for optisk analyse af hudstruktur Funded by Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling, LSI and a private company, 2018-2019 |
LegoQC | Image-based quality control Funded by LEGO, 2018-2019 |
EXOTIC | Assistive Personal Robotics Platform with an EXOskeleton using the Tongue for Intelligent Control as a use case Funded by AAU, 2018-2021 |
HarvestQC | Automatic Harvest Quality Monitoring Funded by IFD, 2018-2021 |
TrygHavn | Preventing drowning accidents Funded by TrygFonden, 2018-2020 |
ACMP | Augmented Cellular Meat production Funded by IFD, 2017-2021 |
ArchGame | Architecture is a game – technology, creativity, aesthetic and math Funded by Nordea, 2017-2020 |
Sports3 | Video monitoring of outdoor sports activities Funded by Municipalities and , 2017-2020 |
AestheticQC | Aesthetic quality control of shiny objects Funded by IFD, 2017-2020 |
NeuroAnalysis | Analysing severely affected neuro-patients Funded by Hammel Neurocenter, 2017 |
LearnMeat | Adaptive and learning algorithms for robots in the meat production industry Funded by IFD, 2017-2020 |
SportsTracking | Tracking of people in sports Funded by internal PhD funds, 2017-2020 |
ShipID | Video-based identification of ships Funded by Innobooster, 2016-2017 |
Sports2 | Video monitoring of sports activities Funded by a private company, 2016-2017 |
SmallDrone | Video monitoring from a small drone Funded by a private company, 2015-2016 |
Poultry2 | Computer Vision based quality control in slaughterhouses Funded by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food (GUPD), 2015-2018 |
Poultry1 | Automated quality control of poultry Funded by Danish Reseach Council, 2015-2018 |
NeuroRehab | Neuro rehabilitation via gaming Funded by the Region, 2014-2015 |
Sports | Occupancy analysis of sports facilities Funded by four Danish municipalities, 2014-2016 |
Radar-Tracks | Correlating tracks from different radars Funded by a private company, 2014 |
CPmusic | Music motivated movement and learning Ludvig og Sara Elsass Fond, 2013-2016 |
Rehab at home | Tele-rehabilitation after stroke Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation (FTP), 2013-2016 |
E-books | Making more people read Danish Ministry for Culture and Palaces, 2013-2015 |
Patient@home | Patient@home Danish Reseach Council, DSF/RTI (SPIR), 2012-2017 |
MVaaS | Managed Video as a Service Højteknologi Fonden (HTF), 2012-2015 |
BBH | Automatic analysis of sport arenas Funded by the foundations: Nordea-fonden and Lokale- og Anlægsfonden, 2012-2014 |
Traffic safety | Krydsløsninger for cyklister Funded by Transportministeriet, 2012-2013 |
Traffic | Visual Analysis in Traffic & Re-identification Funded by internal PhD funds, 2012-2015 |
Facility analysis | Monitoring sports arenas in Aalborg, Denmark Funded by Aalborg municipality, 2011 |
Reflex receptive fields | Reflex receptive fields: A new diagnostic method for chronic pain syndromes Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation (FTP), 2009-2012 |
BigBrother | Big Brother is watching you! Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation (FTP), 2007-2011 |
MOPRIM | In search for the motion primitives for a communicative human body language Danish Research Council project (STVF), 2004-2007 |
STAGING | The Staging of Virtual Inhabited 3-D Spaces Danish Research Council project, 8 partners, 1998-2001 |
Research publications
(that I have been involved in organizing)
Type: Special issue
Titel: “Computer Vision for 3D Perception and Applications”
Editors: Matteo Poggi and T.B. Moeslund Year: 2021
Journal: Sensors
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Advanced Machine Vision”
Editors: Steven Puttemans, Toon Goedemé, Ajmal Mian, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rikke Gade Year: 2020
Journal: Machine Vision and Applications
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Statistical Machine Learning for Human Behaviour Analysis”
Editors: Thomas Moeslund, Sergio Escalera, Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Kamal Nasrollahi, Jun Wan Year: 2020
Journal: Entropy
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Human abnormal behavioural analysis”
Editors: Year: 2019
Journal: Machine Vision and applications, 30
Type: Edited book
Title: “Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition”
Editors: Bai, X., Fang, Y., Jia, Y., Kan, M., Shan, S., Shen, C., Wang, J., Xia, G.-S., Yan, S., Zhang, Z., Nasrollahi, K., Hua, G., Moeslund, Th.B., Ji, Q.
Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-3-030-12177-8
Publisher: LNCS Springer
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Computer vision in sports”
Editors: Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham Thomas, Adrian Hilton, Peter Carr, Irfan Essa
Year: 2017
Journal: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 159, 2017
Type: Edited book
Title: “Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience Measurement”
Editors: Nasrollahi, K., Distante, C., Hua, G., Cavallaro, A., Moeslund, Th.B., Battiato, S., Ji, Q.
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-3-319-56687-0
Publisher: LNCS Springer
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Analysis and Retrieval of Events/Actions and Workflows in Video Streams”
Editors: Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Marco Bertini, Jordi Gonzalez and Thomas Moeslund
Year: 2016
Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(22), 2016
Type: Edited book
Title: “Face and Facial Expression Recognition from Real World Videos”
Editors: Q. Ji, T.B. Moeslund, G. Hua, K. Nasrollahi
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-3-319-13737-7
Publisher: LNCS Springer
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Soft Biometrics”
Editors: Paulo L Correia, Thomas B Moeslund, Abdenour Hadid
Year: 2015
Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters, 82(2) 2015
Type: Edited book
Title: “Computer Vision in Sports”
Editors: Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham Thomas and Adrian Hilton
Year: 2014
Publisher: Springer
Type: Edited book
Title: “Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing. Second International Workshop, AMMDS 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24, 2014, Revised Selected Papers”
Editors: Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Paolo Spagnolo and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2014
Publisher: LNCS 8703 Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-13323-2
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Multimedia Event Detection”.
Editors: Thomas B. Moeslund, Omar Javed, Yu-Gang Jiang, R. Manmatha
Year: 2014
Journal: Machine Vision and Applications, 25(1), 2014
Type: Edited book
Title: “Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. 7th International Conference, AMDO 2012, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012. Proceedings”
Editors: Francisco J. Perales , Robert B. Fisher and Thomas B. Moeslund
Year: 2012
Publisher: Springer
Type: Special issue
Titel: ”Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics”.
Editors: Jordi Gonzalez, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Liang Wang
Year: 2012
Journal: International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(3), 2012
Type: Edited book
Title: “Visual Analysis of Humans – Looking at people”
Editors: Moeslund, Th.B.; Hilton, A.; Kruger, V.; Sigal, L. (Eds.)
Year: 2011
Publisher: Springer
Research organization
(conferences, workshops and tutorials that I have been involved in organizing)